Research work on the subject of bionics. Bionics or the wonderful world of wildlife. Herzen A. I

Chesnova Karina

In this work on the topic "Bionics in architecture: nature is a builder, man is an imitator?" an analysis and generalization of the principles of architectural bionics as applied to various construction, technical structures and facilities was carried out.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

Medium comprehensive school №9

Vyksy, Nizhny Novgorod region



Physics and Mathematics Department

Physical section

Work completed

10th grade student MBOU secondary school No. 9

Chesnova Karina Akhlimanovna

Scientific adviser:

physics teacher MBOU secondary school №9

Demina Elena Konstantinovna





1. Theoretical part

1.1 The history of the birth of the science "Bionics"……………………………………...6

1.2 Bionics as a modern trend in physics…………………………..8

1.3 Architectural and construction bionics and its directions ..………………...10

2 Practical part

2.1 The use of wildlife structures in architectural practice ...... 12

2.2 P in architecture…………...14


2.4 Compliance of biological systems with construction and technical structures and facilities………………………………………………………….17

2.5 Comparison of the Eiffel and Shukhov towers……………………………….18




In this work on the topic "Bionics in architecture: nature is a builder, man is an imitator?" I conducted an analysis and generalization of the principles of architectural bionics as applied to various building, technical structures and facilities. This became possible after studying the scientific literature on the topic “Bionics. Architectural structures".

In this way, the purpose of this work became

Research methods:

  • study of scientific literature;

As a result of the study, it was confirmedthe hypothesis that nature is the builder of everything in the world, and man is its imitator.

I think that my work “Bionics in architecture: nature is a builder, man is an imitator?” will be of interest to those who are interested in everything new, modern and promising, who dream of their warm and cozy home according to the principles of architectural bionics.


Do you know that in 15 years a vertical tower city should appear in Shanghai (according to scientists, in 20 years the population of Shanghai may reach 30 million people)?! The tower city is designed for 100 thousand people, the project is based on the "principle of the construction of a tree."

And one more fact: the architect P. Soleri designed a bridge over the river more than a kilometer long, by analogy with a folded living sheet. These examples can go on and on with no less amazing examples.

I became interested in learning more about this. As a result of my searches, I got acquainted with one of the areas of modern physics - the science of bionics and its appearance - architectural bionics.

And again there were questions. For example, can a person pass by a tempting idea - to create with his own hands what nature has already created?

The human species has existed for about a hundred thousand years. Naturally, in the beginning man learned to build from nature. Animals, fish, birds "suggested" then to a person what and how to do in order to solve the "engineering tasks" that were urgent for him.

BUT modern man? Surrounding himself with many complex machines, living in a world of high speeds, he again goes "on a bow" to nature. Why? Because even now man notices many advantages in the creations of nature over his own own creations. Indeed, living nature has the most complex materials, devices, technological processes in comparison with all known in science. It was from the purposeful "peeping" of nature that a new science was born - bionics.

On the other hand, a completely opposite example can be given: Man designed a wheel, which served him no small service. But it is known that in nature there is no such prototype. So, it is not always worth imitating nature?

Who is the real builder of everything in the world: nature or man? What are the principles of architectural bionics and its building technologies?

The search for answers to these questions served as the writing research work on the topic “Bionics in architecture: nature is a builder, man is an imitator?”.

The relevance of research.The development of architectural bionics is largely predetermined by time. I believe that this is one of the most relevant trends today. And this is connected with the general idea of ​​a return to nature, which can be traced today in many areas of human activity.

The technocratic development of recent decades has almost completely subjugated the way of life of a person. In fact, we have become residents of an artificial "nature" made of glass, concrete and plastic, the ecological compatibility of which with the life of a living organism is steadily approaching zero. One of the ways to restore balance, return to nature and can be architectural bionics.

Before starting the research, I put forward the following for myself: hypothesis: nature is the main builder of everything in the world, and man is only its imitator.

In this way, the purpose of this work became the study of the principles of architectural bionics, the study of the possibility and effectiveness of their application to solve engineering problems.

The main tasks of the research work:

1) to study the directions and principles of development of architectural bionics;

2) evaluate the effectiveness of their application for solving technical problems;

3) find the conformity of biological systems with construction and technical structures and facilities;

4) compare the world-famous architectural structures (Eiffel and Shukhov towers) from the point of view of architectural bionics.

Research methods:

  • study of scientific literature;
  • comparative analysis of the obtained results.

1. Theoretical part

1.1 The history of the birth of science "Bionics"

Since time immemorial, the inquisitive thought of man has been looking for an answer to the question: can a person achieve the same that he achieved Live nature? At first, a person could only dream about it - to learn to do what nature has already done in relation to other living beings.

Each creature it is a perfect system, which is the result of the evolution of many millions of years. studying this system, revealing the secrets of the structure of living organisms, you can get new opportunities in the construction of structures.

The idea of ​​applying knowledge about wildlife to solve engineering problems belongs toLeonardo da Vinciwho tried to build an aircraft - ornithopter , taking the wings of birds as a prototype. So he tried tried to recreatebird wing structureand the mechanism that drives it.

Renaissance scientists hoped to achieve the desired solution through rigorous mathematical calculations and calculations and the creation of appropriate mechanical designs. After all, then mechanics, based on mathematics, occupied a leading place among all the emerging branches of mechanical natural science; that is why it could then seem that all the mysteries of nature would be solved precisely with the help of mechanics and on its basis.

In accordance with this, man strove to create mechanical models that could imitate objects and natural phenomena that interested him.

When the progress of science led to the discovery of the fundamental laws not only of mechanics, but also of physics, chemistry, biology and other branches of natural science, the following turned out: relying on these laws, putting them at the basis of appropriate technical devices, one can begin to realize one by one long-standing human dreams.

But how different from living beings were the structures, devices, tools and devices created by man!

It is enough to compare the organ of vision - the eye - of any animal with some optical devices and instruments designed by man, to see how much more perfect a natural organ is compared to an artificial device.

Today, man has partly returned to his original idea - to copy in technology as fully and accurately as possible what has been achieved in living nature, to reproduce it in the form of specific technical solutions. Thus was born a new science - bionics.

Like many other important areas of modern scientific and technological progress(for example, cybernetics), bionics grew out of direct requests industrial practice. It arose at the interface between biology and technology, primarily radio electronics and technical cybernetics.

Here such widely separated branches of human knowledge and practical activity asBIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY.

The name "bionics" comes from the ancient Greek root "bion" - the element of life, the cell of life, or, more precisely, the elements of a biological system. The essence of bionics is to synthesize the knowledge accumulated in various sciences.

So, bionics - applied science that studies the laws of formation and structure formation of wildlife in order to combine the knowledge of biology and technology to solve engineering and technical problems.

1.2 Bionics as a modern trend in physics

It became interesting to me, is there a date of birth for the science of "bionics"? It turned out that there is. The formal date of birth of bionics, one of the new sciences that arose in the recent 20th century, is considered to be September 13, 1960 . - the opening day of the first American national symposium on the topic "Living prototypes of artificial systems - the key to new technology."

It goes without saying that holding such a symposium became possible only because by that time there had been accumulated a large number of data on the principles of organization and functioning of living systems, as well as opportunities for the practical use of acquired knowledge to solve a number of topical technical problems.

There are several types of bionics :

- biological bionicsstudying the processes occurring in biological systems;

- theoretical bionics, which builds mathematical models of these processes;

- technical bionicsthat applies models of theoretical bionics to solve engineering problems.

Today, bionics is divided into two kinds :

  1. neurobionics;
  2. architectural and building bionics.

Neurobionics - the science of the organization of technical systems from neuron-like elements. The main areas of neurobionics are the study nervous system human and animal, and modeling of nerve cells - neurons and neural networks, which makes it possible to improve and develop electronic and computer technology.

I was also interested in another direction of bionics - architectural and construction bionics, more detailed description which will be given below.

By studying information about bionics from various sources, I came tothe conclusion that there is still no consensus on the content of this science.

Many experts consider bionics to be a new branch of cybernetics, while others refer to it as biological sciences, but, apparently, those who single out bionics as an independent science are the most right. But one thing I knew for sure:bionics is perhaps the most popular of the young sciences that emerged in the 20th century and is developing in the 21st century.
I also found out that bionics have a symbol: crossed scalpel, soldering iron and integral sign... This union of a biologist, technology and mathematics allows us to hope that the science of bionics penetrates where no one has penetrated yet, and to see what no one has seen yet ... ... Perhaps the development of bionics will soon do a lot unusual in the world of technology ... And this attracts me even more in this science.

Fig.1 Symbol of bionics

1.3 Architectural and construction bionics and its directions

To date, a paradoxical situation has developed in architecture. On the one hand, the rapid development of construction technologies, theories of structural analysis, the production of new materials, computer-aided design systems, and on the other hand, the same person (architect, customer, future consumer), whose capabilities are formally limited only by the budget and imagination. In this situation, architects involuntarily turned their eyes to wildlife.

Considering the possibilities of implementing the most complex engineering ideas, a person could not help but turn his attention to the result of the activity of the most brilliant architect of the Universe - nature. Over millions of years, she has created such perfect forms and structures that are perfectly organized, harmoniously interact with each other and are in balance with the environment. The possibility of using the experience of wildlife in the construction of modern architectural structures has become the subject of study of this architectural trend.

Architectural - building bionics- a science that studies the laws of formation and structure formation of living tissues, analyzes the structural systems of living organisms on the principle of saving material, energy and ensuring reliability.

By the beginning of the 1980s, thanks to the many years of efforts of the TsNIELAB (Architectural Bionics Laboratory) team of specialists, architectural bionics had finally taken shape as a new direction in architectural science and practice. Numerous architectural projects have been created, new designs have been tested, hundreds of articles have been written and published...

As a result of many years of theoretical and experimental design work of Yu.S. Lebedev's laboratory, the maindirections of development of architectural bionics as a science:

Basic theoretical provisions;

Technique of architectural - bionic modeling;

The use of wildlife forms in architectural practice;

Problems of shaping wildlife;

Issues of ensuring the vital activity of living systems;

The problem of using natural manifestations of harmony in architecture - plasticity, proportions, rhythms, symmetry - asymmetry;

Study of tectonic forms of living nature, the principles of their transformation and the ability of natural structures to accumulate elastic energy;

Issues of harmonious formation of the architectural and natural environment (ecological aspect of architectural bionics).

Each of the areas of architectural bionics has a relatively independent value, but all of them are aimed at solving a single problem of improving architectural forms, their harmonization.

Architectural bionics today, at the beginning of the 21st century, is of particular importance, as it considers in the aggregate the system "wildlife (environment) - architecture (technology) - man", thanks to which the social and technical spheres get the opportunity to develop in harmonious unity with the surrounding nature.

The development of architectural bionics is largely predetermined by time. We can say that this is one of the most relevant trends today. And this is connected with the general idea of ​​a return to nature, which can be traced today in many areas of human activity.

2 Practical part

2.1 Use of wildlife structures in architectural practice

In the course of the research, I found out: it turns out that the principles of wildlife in construction and technology have already been applied, although, in most cases, unconsciously.

For example, not so long ago, in the second half of the 20th century, engineers quite unexpectedly discovered that strengtheiffel tower due to the fact that its design exactly repeatsstructure of the human tibia(even the angles between the bearing surfaces coincide),although the engineer did not use live models when creating the tower. Tibia - withThe strongest bone in our skeleton, it bears the greatest weight when maintaining the body in an upright position. This bone is able to withstand a load of up to 1500 kg (although its mass is only about 0.5 kg), i.e. about 25 times her normal workload. Such is the margin of technical strength of the natural structure.

Another example: the structure of modern high-rise buildings (Ostankino tower, factory chimneysetc.) is completely similarthe structure of cereal stems, which are able to withstand heavy loads and at the same time not break under the weight of the inflorescence. If the wind bends them to the ground, they quickly restore their vertical position. What is the secret? It turns out that their structure is similar to the design of modern high-rise factory chimneys. Both designs are hollow inside. Sclerenchyma strands of the plant stem play the role of longitudinal reinforcement. The internodes (nodes) of the stems are stiffening rings. Along the walls of the stem there are oval vertical voids. The role of the spiral armature located at the outer side of the pipe in the stem of cereal plants is played by a thin skin. However, the engineers came to their constructive solution on their own, without "looking" into nature. The identity of the structure was revealed later.
___ _ Similar to construction tree leaf the coating of the Olympic building was completed -cycle track in Krylatskoye(Moscow city).

AT last years bionics confirms that most human inventions are already "patented" by nature. Such a 20th century invention aszipper and Velcro fasteners» , was made based onbird feather structures. Feather barbs of various orders, equipped with hooks, provide reliable grip.

Famous Spanish architects M. R. Cervera and J. Ploz, active supporters of bionics, began research on “dynamic structures” in 1985, and in 1991 organized the “Society for the Support of Innovations in Architecture”. A group under their leadership, which included architects, engineers, designers, biologists and psychologists, developed a project« Vertical bionic tower city». In 15 years, a tower city should appear in Shanghai (according to scientists, in 20 years the population of Shanghai can reach 30 million people). The tower city is designed for 100 thousand people, the project is based on "tree construction principle».
___ _ The tower-city will be in the form of a cypress 1228 m high with a girth at the base of 133 by 100 m, and at the widest point 166 by 133 m. The tower will have 300 floors, and they will be located in 12 vertical blocks of 80 floors. Between the quarters there are ceiling-screeds, which play the role of a supporting structure for each level-quarter. Inside the quarters - houses of different heights with vertical gardens. This carefully thought-out design is similar to the structure of the branches and the entire crown of a cypress. The tower will stand on a pile foundation according to the principle of an accordion, which does not deepen, but develops in all directions as it climbs - similar to how it develops root system tree. Wind vibrations of the upper floors are minimized: air easily passes through the tower structure. For tower cladding a special plastic material will be used that imitatesporous skin surface. If the construction is successful, it is planned to build several more such building-cities.
___ _

In architectural and building bionics, much attention is paid to new building technologies. For example, in the field of development of efficient and waste-free building technologies, a promising direction iscreation of layered structures. The idea was borrowed fromdeep sea molluscs. Their strong shells, such as those of the widespread abalone, consist of alternating hard and soft plates. When a hard plate cracks, the deformation is absorbed by the soft layer and the crack does not go any further. This technology can also be used to cover cars.

2.2 P problems of shaping wildlife in architecture

In addition to buildings, the design of which uses the principles and structures of wildlife, bionic structures also include those that do not copy biological structures, but forms.

And the first who began to reproduce the forms of nature in architecture is the Spanish architect Antonio Gaudi . And it was a breakthrough! Perhaps his most striking creations in the bionic style are the House of Vicens and the House of Mila in Barcelona (1883-1888), El Capriccio in the town of Comillas (1883-1885). Later, in 1900 - 1914, Antonio Gaudí built a unique architectural complex in Barcelona - Park Guell , many of whose buildings not only imitate a variety of natural forms - from sea snakes to bird nests and tree trunks, but also literally grow into the natural landscape - hills and terraces. Until now, the park is referred to as "nature frozen in stone."

In the early 1920s, during the construction of his anthroposophical center - the Goetheanum, natural forms were used by Rudolf Steiner.

Then came the skyscraper cucumber shape in London.

Recently, bionic architecture can also be seen in Russia. In 2003, in St. Petersburg, according to the designs of architect Boris Levinzon,"House Dolphin" and decorated hall of the famous clinic "Medi-Aesthetic".

2.3 Environmental aspect of architectural bionics

As humans, we always strive for comfortable housing. It is always important for us that the place where we live, work, and relax corresponds to our inner worldview. But, unfortunately, due to certain circumstances, Soviet construction could not give us what we wanted. Only recently, namely 10-15 years ago, our society was able to see for itself that "Khrushchev" and "candles" are still not the ultimate dream. Living in a metropolis, a person is constantly in a state of stress. The same type of high-rise buildings with rows of identical windows, gray tones, concrete and "ultra-modern" buildings that press with their height have a depressing effect on the psyche. This negative effect can be removed by turning your home into a place of rest for the eyes and an aesthetic recharge point.

Another concept of bionic architecture is the creation eco houses which are built from natural materials, organically fit into the natural landscape and are autonomous self-sustaining systems.

From this point of view, village houses that are still familiar to us, which are part of a completely autonomous system of individual agriculture. All of them are a kind of eco-houses with the only difference that the modern concept of an eco-house has taken a step further: today, when designing eco-friendly housing, much attention is paid to the development of systems that would allow using the energy resources of nature to provide its inhabitant with the modern benefits of civilization - light, heat , hot water.

One way or another, all areas of architectural bionics deserve attention. A synthesis of these trends seems even more interesting and expedient. Many architects are currently actively working on projects that combine all bionic principles - both the reproduction of structures and systems of wildlife, and the imitation of its forms, and environmental friendliness.

Now, for example, scientists are engaged in a deep study of the mechanism of photosynthesis. From their point of view, this process, along with many other functions of the green leaf, can be used to create so-called "breathable" walls, roof membranes or a new generation of sustainable building materials.

I was also interestedeco-houses from organic straw. Straw is an extremely affordable and cheap material. To grow enough straw to build one 70 m house 2 , you need from 2 to 4 hectares of land. In this case, what is usually considered as waste is used. After all, the bulk of the straw remaining after harvesting is burned. Straw blocks are an excellent heat insulator. Many of those who live in thatched houses note that their heating costs are always half that of their neighbors who live in ordinary houses.
The thermal conductivity of walls made of straw blocks is much lower than that of walls made of conventional materials. In particular, straw is 4 times superior to wood in its performance. As for the brick, in this case we are talking about a sevenfold superiority. Building houses from straw blocks is a promising technique. First of all, this is due to the low level of construction costs and ease of construction. In addition, there is largely room for experiment and manifestations of individual creative thought.

Already, more and more “bimorphic” buildings are appearing in the cities of the world, striking in their beauty and harmony, more and more often solar panels and other alternative energy sources are used in the construction of residential buildings and public buildings. Perhaps someday our houses will look like birds, trees or flowers, merging with the surrounding landscapes, and technical solutions will allow us to breathe. clean air and live in natural natural environment without harming her.

2.4 Compliance of biological systems with building and technical structures and facilities

After studying and analyzing the scientific literature, information on the Internet on the topic under study, I decided to summarize all the material found in a brief form. These data are presented in comparative table 1.

Table 1 " Compliance of biological systems with construction and technical structures and facilities”

Principle of architectural bionics

Biological (natural) system

Example of a technical facility or facility

Structures of wildlife

The structure of the tibia

Eiffel Tower (Paris)

The structure of the stems of cereals

Ostankino television tower (Moscow), factory pipes

tree leaf design

Cycling track in Krylatskoe (Moscow0

Rolled living sheet design

Bridge 1 km long across the river (P. Soleri)

tree construction

Vertical Tower City (Shanghai, 15 years later)

Porous skin surface

Building cladding

Deep sea mollusk shells

Creation of layered building structures, car coating

Bird feather structure

Fasteners "lightning" and "Velcro"

bird wing structure

Ornithopter aircraft by Leonardo da Vinci

Wildlife forms

From sea serpents to bird nests and tree trunks

Park Guell A. Gaudi (Spain)


Skyscraper in London


"Dom Dolphin" in St. Petersburg

SONY skyscraper in Japan

NMB Bank board building in the Netherlands

Sea shell and bird wing motifs

Sydney Opera House

Environmental friendliness

Eco-friendly natural materials: wood, clay, straw

Eco houses, passive houses

Photosynthesis Mechanism: Green Leaf Functions

"Breathing" walls, roof-membrane, a new generation of environmentally friendly building materials

2.5 Comparison between the Eiffel and Shukhov towers

A striking example of the unity of the law of formation of natural and artificial structures, I consider the world-famous three-hundred-meter metal openwork structure - the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Gustave Eiffel in 1889 made a drawing of the Eiffel Tower. This structure is considered one of the earliest clear examples of the use of bionics in engineering. The design of the Eiffel Tower is based on scientific work Swiss professor of anatomy Hermann von Meyer. Forty years before the construction of the Parisian engineering miracle, the professor studied the bone structure of the femoral head at the point where it bends and enters the joint at an angle. And at the same time, for some reason, the bone does not break under the weight of the body. The base of the Eiffel Tower resembles the bone structure of the head of the femur. In 1866, the Swiss engineer Karl Kuhlmann provided a theoretical basis for the discovery of von Meyer, and 20 years later, the natural load distribution using curved calipers was used by Eiffel

I live in Vyksa, a city rich in history and cultural heritage, which is the custodian of the richest industrial traditions. Among the monuments of industrial heritage in Vyksa are the unique engineering structures of V.G. Shukhov, which are considered by experts as potential objects of world cultural heritage.

It became interesting for me to compare two world-famous towers: Eiffel and Shukhov, especially from the point of view of architectural bionics.

It turned out that the principles of architectural bionics were used in the construction of only the Eiffel Tower, and the design of the Shukhov Tower is based on mathematical modeling of a single-sheeted hyperboloid (and this turned out to be even economically viable and widely used!). Does this mean that human thought has stepped further than natural?

The results of my research are presented in Table 2.

table 2 "Comparison of the Eiffel and Shukhov Towers"

Questions for comparison

Eiffel Tower

Shukhov Tower

Design engineer

Alexandre Gustave Eiffel(1832-1923) - French engineer, specialist in the design of steel structures.

Vladimir Grigorievich Shukhov (1853-1939)
Russian engineer, inventor, scientist, honorary academician, Hero of Labor, member of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR.

Time and place of appearance

Built in 1889 in Paris as an entrance arch to the World's Fair. It belongs to the most remarkable technical structures of the 19th century and later became a kind of symbol of the capital of France.

Built for All-Russian industrial and art exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod, which took place from May 28 (the 9th of June ) on 1 () October of the year.

The principle of building construction

The base of the Eiffel Tower isa square with a side of 123 meters. Its lower tier, which looks liketruncated pyramid, consists of four powerful pillars, the lattice structures of which, connecting with each other, form huge arches. The tower has several platforms and platforms.

In many aspects of the construction of the tower, Eiffel became a pioneer: the study of the properties and stratification of the soil, the use of compressed air and caissons for the construction of the foundation, the installation of 800-ton jacks to adjust the position of the tower, special assembly cranes for working at height. In the process of work, novelties of construction machinery and equipment were born.

One-sheeted hyperboloid and hyperbolic paraboloid - twice ruled surfaces , that is, through any point of such a surface it is possible to drawtwo intersecting lines that will entirely belong to the surface. Along these straight lines, beams are installed that form a characteristic lattice.Such a design istough: if the beams are connectedhinged, hyperboloid structure will still retain its shape under the action of external forces. For tall structures, the main danger is the wind load, while for a lattice structure it is small. These features make hyperboloid structures durable, despite the low material consumption.

In terms of shape, the sections of the Shukhov tower are single-sheeted hyperboloids of revolution, made of 80 straight steel beams, with their ends resting against ring bases.Tower height - 25m.


With amazing ease, the tower raises 7,000 tons of metal structures for more than 300 meters, as if woven into an amazing lace. The weight of the tower is 10,000 tons, and it is distributed over 4 legs in such a way that the pressure does not exceed 4 kg per square centimeter (this is the same pressure as the pressure on a chair on which only one person weighs 80 kg). The base area is 130 square meters, the number of steps of the stairs is 1665 in the eastern support.

openwork steel structure combines strength and lightness: three times less metal is used per unit height of the Shukhov Tower than per unit height of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The Shukhov Tower project, 350 meters high, weighs about 2,200 tons, and the Eiffel Tower, 300 meters high, weighs about 7,300 tons.

Principles of architectural bionics

The base of the Eiffel Tower resembles the bone structure of the head of the femur. The design of the Eiffel Tower has a similar structure to the human tibia, and due to this it has sufficient strength.

Goals of operation

First as an entrance arch to the World Exhibition, then as a radio tower and a tourist center - a symbol of France.

The first tower in Nizhny Novgorod - water

Similar well-known designs

In Mumbai, India, an analogue of the Eiffel Tower with a height of 275 meters will be built. This is a skyscraper with exclusive apartments. The tower is planned to have 90 floors.

Radio tower on Shabolovka in Moscow (150m) -1922;

Water tower on the territory of Vyksa steel plant(40m) - the end of the 19th century. In total, during his life, V.G. Shukhov built about 200 hyperboloid towers for various purposes.

Current Application

But the Eiffel Tower is not known for its characteristics or unique technical solutions. Now it is the most recognizable and popular attraction in the world, about 6 million tourists visit the tower every year, and in total, the tower has had about 300 million guests throughout its history.

The Shukhov Tower is one of the greatest architectural structures and the pinnacle of engineering, an object of cultural heritage.

The Shukhov Tower is recognized by international experts as one of the highest achievements of engineering art.


Every living being is a perfect system, which is the result of the evolution of many millions of years. By studying this system, revealing the secrets of the structure of living organisms, you can get new opportunities in the construction of structures. With the help of bionics, humanity is trying to bring the achievements of nature into its own technical and social technologies.

As a result of work on a study on the topic “Bionics in architecture: nature is a builder, man is an imitator?” I came up with the followingresults and conclusions:

  • got acquainted with the definition, history and types of the science of bionics as one of the areas of modern physics;
  • studied the principles of architectural bionics and found their correspondence in practice;
  • found out that architectural bionics is one of the most modern and promising directions modern engineering science, which gives practically unlimited possibilities for creating architectural structures and solving many technical problems;
  • eco-house - the house of the future;
  • The design of the Eiffel Tower is based on the bionic principle, but the design of the Shukhov Tower is not (mathematical modeling of a one-sheeted hyperboloid). And it turned out to be even cost-effective and widely used!
  • despite the last conclusion, my hypothesis that nature is the builder of everything in the world, and man is its imitator, is still, on the whole, correct.

Bionic forms have penetrated into our daily life and will play a significant role in it for a long time to come. The study of nature by mankind is far from over, but we have already received invaluable knowledge from nature about the rational structure and shaping, which, of course, proves the relevance and prospects of studying the science of bionics in all its aspects.

In a word, nature contains millions of ideas and models for creation.


  1. Kraizmer L.P., Sochivko V.P., Bionics, 2nd ed., M., 1968
  2. Lebedev Yu.S., Rabinovich V.I. etc. Architectural bionics, Stroyizdat, 1990
  3. Marteka V., Bionics, trans. from English, M., 1967
  4. Ignatiev M.B. "Artonica". Article in the reference dictionary "System Analysis and Decision Making". graduate School, M., 2004
  5. Questions of bionics. Sat. st., resp. ed. M.G. Gaaze-Rapoport, M., 1967
  6. Belkova E.V. Intersubject elective course "Inventor - Nature". Article in the journal "Modern lesson" No. 8. 2009
  7. Nizhny Novgorod business newspaper / "Nizhny Novgorod Delovaya Gazeta" No. 5 (104) dated May 3, 2010 / Will there be a Shukhov renaissance?

BIONICS DESIGN BUREAU OF NATURE Kulikovskaya secondary school Completed by Darya Telikh, 8th grade student Project manager Belyakova L.N.

NATURE AND MAN Man has surrounded himself with many machines. People live in a sea of ​​electronic devices and high speeds. But man again and again turns to Nature for knowledge. People notice many advantages in the creations of nature over their technical inventions. After all, living nature has the most complex materials, devices and processes in comparison with all the creations of mankind.

THE SCIENCE OF BIONICS The basis of bionics is research on the modeling of various biological organisms. Therefore, bionic scientists have chosen a scalpel and a soldering iron as their emblem. And the motto of bionics sounds like this: "LIVING PROTOTYPES ARE THE KEY TO NEW TECHNOLOGY". BION is an element of life, literally living. BIONICS is the science of methods for creating technical systems whose characteristics are close to those of living organisms.

The flight of insects is characterized by excellent maneuverability. Dragonflies, flies, butterflies, wasps, bees of many species can easily change the direction of flight and are able to move in any direction, including backwards. THE BEST AVIATORS Insect adaptations and features of their structure are carefully studied by bionics in order to apply these natural mechanisms in the design and construction of aircraft, helicopters, and hang gliders.

For a long time, the problem of high-speed aviation was flutter - these are sudden and violent vibrations of the wings that occur at a certain speed. Because of these vibrations, the plane fell apart in the air in a few seconds. After numerous accidents, aircraft began to be made with bulges at the ends of the wings, similar bulges were found on the ends of the wings of a dragonfly. DRAGONFLY

Dragonflies can easily lift up to 15 times their own weight into the air. As it turned out, this is due to the special arrangement of the wings, which create special turbulences above the upper surface of the dragonfly, in which lies the secret of the unprecedented strength of dragonflies. But scientists and engineers have not yet been able to unravel and use this secret in the aircraft industry. DRAGONFLY

Bumblebee It is not clear how a bumblebee holds itself in the air with its small wings. A variety of studies of the flight of this insect were carried out, including in a wind tunnel, where the energy balance and oxygen consumption were changed. It is known that the bumblebee has as many as 24 spiracles! When studying the structure and energy capabilities of the bumblebee, many amazing facts were discovered. But the mystery of his flight still remains unsolved. HEAVY WEIGHTS MAYBEETLE Scientists believe that, according to all the laws of aerodynamics, the Maybug should not fly. This means that he has a special, unknown to science way of creating a high lifting force.

INSECTS AND NEW AIRCRAFT Studying the natural abilities of insects to fly and lift loads in the future will allow people to design and build air cargo vehicles and mechanisms that will have significant advantages over currently available aircraft and helicopters. Knowledge of bionics and adaptations of insects will allow: to make powerful air transport, which does not require airfields and runways; it will be possible to transport heavy loads in places where the movement of land and water transport is difficult, for example, in the mountains, in deserts, on the seas and oceans, save fuel, but at the same time lift and move huge loads.

Insects are endowed by nature with unique supersensitive "devices". Many insects have such analyzer systems that humans do not have. The task of bionics is not only to find these mechanisms, but also to understand their action and recreate it in electronic circuits, devices, structures that are useful and necessary for humans. SUPER SENSITIVE DEVICES

BUTTERFLIES Males of many species of butterflies can find a female at a distance of 10 kilometers! And male gypsy moth butterflies capture not only the smell of substances, but also distinguish how the molecules of odorous substances are located, in which direction these molecules are deployed. The question of how butterflies can distinguish the direction of molecules has not yet been answered.

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The importance of biology in human life Bionics The work was done by Anastasia Shutova 10 "A"

(from the Greek biōn - element of life, literally - living), a science that borders between biology and technology, solving engineering problems based on modeling the structure and life of organisms. Bionics -

The basis of bionics is research on the modeling of various biological organisms. The creation of models requires not only special clarifying studies on a living organism, but also the development of special methods and tools for the implementation and study of such complex models.

The formal birth year of bionics is considered to be 1960. Bionic scientists have chosen as their emblem a scalpel and a soldering iron, connected by an integral sign, and their motto is “Living prototypes are the key to new technology”.

The progenitor of bionics is Leonardo da Vinci. His drawings and diagrams of aircraft were based on the structure of a bird's wing. In our time, according to the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, the ornithopter was repeatedly modeled. Of modern scientists, one can name the name of Osip M. R. Delgado. With the help of his radio electronic devices, he studied the neurological and physical characteristics of animals. And based on them, he tried to develop algorithms for controlling living organisms.

Architectural and building bionics studies the laws of formation and structure formation of living tissues, analyzes the structural systems of living organisms on the principle of saving material, energy and ensuring reliability.

A vivid example of architectural and construction bionics is a complete analogy of the structure of cereal stems and modern high-rise buildings. In recent years, bionics has confirmed that most human inventions are already "patented" by nature. Such an invention of the twentieth century as zippers was made on the basis of the structure of a bird's feather, and Velcro is a prototype of burdock fruits.

In architectural and building bionics, much attention is paid to new building technologies. For example, a promising direction is the creation of layered structures. The idea is borrowed from deep-sea molluscs. Their strong shells, such as those of the widespread abalone, consist of alternating hard and soft plates. When a hard plate cracks, the deformation is absorbed by the soft layer and the crack does not go any further. This technology can also be used to cover cars.

Neurobionics studies the functioning of the brain, explores the mechanisms of memory. The sense organs of animals and the internal mechanisms of reaction to the environment in both animals and plants are being intensively studied.

The most advanced research in bionics is the development of biological means of detection, navigation and orientation; a complex of studies related to modeling the functions and structures of the brain of higher animals and humans; creation of bioelectric control systems and research on the problem of "man - machine".

Application of knowledge of bionics

In medicine

In transport

In architecture

Devices and tools

The peculiarity of the movement of insects was laid down by Japanese bionics in the robot he created. Such a robot is used in search operations on ruins or in mountainous areas. It helps to search for people under the rubble. And, having studied the structure of the skin of dolphins, bionics created a unique skin for ships. Warships with such plating are capable of reaching speeds 20% higher than conventional ones.

In addition to the theory of bionics, he is a good practitioner and an excellent analyst. He must have a non-standard, creative thinking. Bionic doesn't take his ideas out of thin air. He draws them from nature, creating technical analogues of organic systems. Bionics plays a big role in human life. This is one of the most rapidly developing sciences of our time, a powerful accelerator of the scientific and technological revolution. It promises an unprecedented flourishing of the productive forces of mankind, a new rise in science and technology. Conclusion

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Presentation on the topic: Bionics

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The main areas of work in bionics cover the following issues: the study of the nervous system of humans and animals and the modeling of nerve cells (neurons) and neural networks for further improvement computer science and the development of new elements and devices of automation and telemechanics (neurobionics); the study of the sense organs and other perceiving systems of living organisms in order to develop new sensors and detection systems; the study of the principles of orientation, location and navigation in various animals for the use of these principles in technology; the study of morphological , physiological, biochemical characteristics of living organisms to put forward new technical and scientific ideas.

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The relationship between nature and technology In the past, man's attitude to nature was consumerist, technology exploited and destroyed Natural resources. But gradually, people began to treat nature more carefully, trying to take a closer look at some methods in order to use them wisely in technology. These methods can serve as a model for the development of environmentally friendly industrial products. Nature as a standard is bionics. Understanding nature and taking it as a model does not mean copying. However, nature can help us find the right technical solution for rather complex issues. Nature is like a huge engineering bureau, which always has the right way out of any situation.

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Bionics is closely related to biology, physics, chemistry, cybernetics and engineering sciences: electronics, navigation, communications, maritime affairs and others. The idea of ​​using knowledge of wildlife to solve engineering problems belongs to Leonardo da Vinci, who tried to build an aircraft with flapping wings, like birds: an ornithopter. In 1960, the first symposium on bionics took place in Daytona (USA), which formalized the birth of a new science.

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Cybernetics The emergence of cybernetics, which considers the general principles of control and communication in living organisms and machines, has become an incentive for a broader study of the structure and functions of living systems in order to clarify their commonality with technical systems, as well as to use the information obtained about living organisms to create new devices and mechanisms. , materials, etc.

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Architectural bionics This is a new phenomenon in architectural science and practice. Here are the opportunities to search for new, functionally justified architectural forms that are distinguished by beauty and harmony, and the creation of new rational structures with the simultaneous use of amazing properties. building material living nature, and the discovery of ways to implement the unity of design and creation of architectural means using the energy of the sun, wind, cosmic rays. But, perhaps, its most important result may be active participation in creating conditions for the conservation of wildlife and the formation of its harmonious unity with architecture.

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Modeling living organisms Creating a model in bionics is half the battle. To solve a specific practical problem, it is necessary not only to check the presence of model properties that are of interest to practice, but also to develop methods for calculating predetermined technical characteristics of the device, to develop synthesis methods that ensure the achievement of the indicators required in the task. And therefore, many bionic models, before they receive a technical implementation, start life on the computer. A mathematical description of the model is built. According to it, a computer program is compiled - a bionic model. On such a computer model, one can a short time process various parameters and eliminate design flaws.

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Today, bionics has several directions: Architectural and construction bionics studies the laws of formation and structure formation of living tissues, analyzes the structural systems of living organisms on the principle of saving material, energy and ensuring reliability. Neurobionics studies the functioning of the brain, explores the mechanisms of memory. The sense organs of animals and the internal mechanisms of reaction to the environment in both animals and plants are being intensively studied.

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Architectural and building bionics In architectural and building bionics, much attention is paid to new building technologies. For example, in the field of development of efficient and waste-free building technologies, a promising direction is the creation of layered structures. The idea is borrowed from deep-sea molluscs. Their strong shells, such as those of the widespread abalone, consist of alternating hard and soft plates. When a hard plate cracks, the deformation is absorbed by the soft layer and the crack does not go any further. This technology can also be used to cover cars.

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Neurobionics Neurobionics is a scientific direction that studies the possibility of using the principles of the structure and functioning of the brain in order to create more advanced technical devices and technological processes. The main areas of neurobionics are the study of the nervous system of humans and animals and the modeling of nerve cells-neurons and neural networks. This makes it possible to improve and develop electronic and computer technology.

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A striking example of architectural and construction bionics is a complete analogy of the structure of cereal stems and modern high-rise buildings. The stems of cereal plants are able to withstand heavy loads and at the same time not break under the weight of the inflorescence. If the wind bends them to the ground, they quickly restore their vertical position. What is the secret? It turns out that their structure is similar to the design of modern high-rise factory pipes - one of the latest achievements of engineering.

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First Examples of Bionics Almost every technological problem faced by designers or engineers has long been successfully solved by other living beings. For example, soft drink manufacturers are constantly looking for new ways to package their products. At the same time, an ordinary apple tree solved this problem a long time ago. An apple is 97% water, packed not in wood carton, but in an edible peel appetizing enough to attract animals that eat the fruit and spread the grains. The base of the Eiffel Tower resembles the bony structure of the head of the femur. Bionics experts argue in this way. When faced with an engineering or design problem, they look for a solution in the "science base" of unlimited size that belongs to animals and plants.

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Velcro fasteners The principle of operation of the burdock was borrowed by man for the manufacture of Velcro fasteners. The first sticky tapes appeared in the 1950s. With their help, you can, for example, fasten sports shoes; in this case, laces are no longer needed. In addition, the length of Velcro is easy to adjust - this is one of its advantages. In the first years after its invention, such fasteners were very popular. Today, everyone is used to a comfortable fastener, and Velcro manufacturers now only make sure that the Velcro is well hidden under the flaps.

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The group, which included architects, engineers, designers, biologists and psychologists, developed the project "Vertical Bionic Tower City". In 15 years, a tower city should appear in Shanghai (according to scientists, in 20 years the population of Shanghai can reach 30 million people). The tower city is designed for 100 thousand people, the project is based on the "principle of the construction of a tree."

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Suckers Octopus: The octopus has developed a sophisticated method of hunting its prey: it wraps its tentacles around it and sucks on it in hundreds, whole rows of which are on the tentacles. Suction cups also help him move on slippery surfaces without sliding down. Technical suction cups: if you shoot a suction arrow from a slingshot at a window glass, the arrow will attach and remain on it. The suction cup is slightly rounded and expands when it hits an obstacle. Then the elastic washer is pulled together again; this creates a vacuum. And the suction cup is attached to the glass.

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Scientists from Stanford University have advanced the farthest in the direction of creating upright bipedal robots. They have been experimenting for almost three years with a miniature six-legged robot, a hexapod, built from a study of a cockroach's locomotion system. The first hexapod was designed on January 25, 2000. Now the design runs very fast - at a speed of 55 cm (more than three own lengths) per second - and also successfully overcomes obstacles. Stanford has also developed a human-sized one-legged jumping monopod that is able to maintain an unstable balance by constantly jumping. As you know, a person moves by "falling" from one leg to another and spends most of the time on one leg. In the future, Stanford scientists hope to create a bipedal robot with a human walking system.

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Spider Egg Cocoon The spider makes a thin "cloak" of waterproof material to protect the eggs it lays. This fist-sized cocoon is shaped like a bell and opens at the bottom. It consists of the same material as the web threads. Of course, it is not woven from separate threads, but is a single shell. It perfectly protects the egg from bad weather and humidity. Raincoat When we go outside in the rain, we put on a waterproof raincoat or take an umbrella with us. Like a cocoon of a spider egg with a protective film, water flows from the artificial material, as a result of which a person does not get wet. Roofs that repel water An important role in the construction of houses is played by the roof, which should protect the premises of the building from water.

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Researchers at Bell Labs (Lucent Corporation) recently discovered a high-quality optical fiber in the body of deep-sea sponges of the genus Euplectellas. According to the test results, it turned out that the material from the skeleton of these 20-cm sponges can transmit a digital signal no worse than modern communication cables, while natural fiber is much stronger than human due to the presence of an organic shell. The skeleton of deep-sea sponges of the genus Euplectellas is built from high-quality fiber

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Gustave Eiffel in 1889 made a drawing of the Eiffel Tower. This structure is considered one of the earliest clear examples of the use of bionics in engineering. The design of the Eiffel Tower is based on the scientific work of the Swiss anatomy professor Hermann Von Meyer. Forty years before the construction of the Parisian engineering miracle, the professor studied the bone structure of the femoral head at the point where it bends and enters the joint at an angle. And at the same time, for some reason, the bone does not break under the weight of the body. The base of the Eiffel Tower resembles the bone structure of the femoral head

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Von Meyer discovered that the head of the bone is covered with an intricate network of miniature bones, thanks to which the load is redistributed in an amazing way over the bone. This network had a strict geometric structure, which the professor documented. In 1866, the Swiss engineer Carl Cullman provided a theoretical basis for von Meyer's discovery, and 20 years later, Eiffel used the natural load distribution using curved calipers. Bone structure of the femoral head

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Another famous borrowing was made by the Swiss engineer Georges de Mestral in 1955. He often walked with his dog and noticed that some incomprehensible plants constantly stick to her fur. Tired of constantly cleaning the dog, the engineer decided to find out the reason why the weeds stick to the coat. After investigating the phenomenon, de Mestral determined that it was possible thanks to the small hooks on the fruits of the cocklebur (this is the name of this weed). As a result, the engineer realized the importance of his discovery and eight years later he patented the convenient Velcro, which is now widely used in the manufacture of not only military, but also civilian clothing.

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1 Research work Theme of the work "Bionics to learn from nature: the latest achievements and the future" Completed by: Revchuk Nadezhda Petrovna, a student of the 6th grade of the Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution "Secondary School 16", Perm Head: Zlatina Alevtina Sergeevna teacher of biology, the highest qualification category Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution "Secondary School 16", Perm

2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction -3- Bionics at the present time and its development prospects -4- Modern bionics (examples) -6- Conclusion -13- Literature and Internet resources -14-2

3 Introduction I devoted my work to the study of such a branch of science as bionics. Bionics is a science that is based on the ideas of nature and the implementation of these ideas in real life with improved technology. Many people still do not know what this branch of cybernetics is. In my work I will tell you about this science, about what is connected with it and why it is quite popular among the inhabitants of the whole world. The goals of my work: 1. To prove that bionics is a popular and advanced science. 2. Expand the concept of bionics. 3. Tell about the types of bionics and describe each of them. 4. Show illustrative examples past and future in this science. In the last decade, bionics has received a strong impetus for new development, since modern technologies allow you to copy miniature natural structures with unprecedented accuracy. At the same time, modern bionics is largely associated not with the openwork structures of the past, but with the development of new materials that copy natural counterparts, robotics and artificial organs. Bionics is a promising scientific and technological direction in borrowing valuable ideas from nature and implementing them in the form of design and design solutions, as well as new information technologies. September 13, 1960, the day of the opening of the International Symposium in the USA, is considered to be the birth date of bionics. Bionics scientists have chosen as their emblem a scalpel and a soldering iron, connected by an integral sign, and the motto "Living prototypes is the key to new technology." Bionics as a field of science is adjacent to biology, physics, chemistry, involved in electronics, navigation, communications and many other branches of science and technology of fine technologies. 3

4 After bionics was officially recognized as an independent field of knowledge, its positions were significantly strengthened, and the field of research expanded. Aircraft and shipbuilding, astronautics, mechanical engineering, radio electronics, navigation instrumentation, instrumental meteorology, architecture, etc. become consumers and partners of bionics. Bionics does not blindly copy nature, it only borrows its perfect structural diagrams and mechanisms of biological systems that provide difficult conditions existence of a special flexibility and vitality developed by living systems during evolutionary development. The progenitor of bionics is Leonardo da Vinci. His drawings and diagrams of aircraft were based on the structure of a bird's wing. In our time, according to the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, the ornithopter was repeatedly modeled. Of modern scientists, one can name the name of Osip M. R. Delgado. With the help of his radio electronic devices, he studied the neurological and physical characteristics of animals. And based on them, he tried to develop algorithms for controlling living organisms. In the last decade, bionics has received a significant impetus to new development. This is due to the fact that modern technologies are moving to the giga- and nanolevel and allow copying miniature natural structures with unprecedented accuracy. Modern bionics is mainly associated with the development of new materials that copy natural analogues, robotics and artificial organs. Bionics at present. Prospects for the development of this science. In the last decade, bionics has received a strong impetus to new development, as modern technologies allow copying 4

5 miniature natural structures with unprecedented precision. At the same time, modern bionics is largely associated not with the openwork structures of the past, but with the development of new materials that copy natural counterparts, robotics and artificial organs. The concept of bionics is by no means new. For example, as early as 3,000 years ago, the Chinese tried to adopt the method of making silk from insects. But at the end of the twentieth century, bionics gained a second wind, modern technologies make it possible to copy miniature natural structures with unprecedented accuracy. So, a few years ago, scientists were able to analyze the DNA of spiders and create an artificial analogue of the silky web - Kevlar. This review material lists several promising areas of modern bionics and presents the most famous cases of borrowing from nature. Currently, scientists are trying to design systems with at least minimal adaptability to the environment. For example, modern cars are equipped with numerous sensors that measure the load on individual components and can, for example, automatically change tire pressure. However, developers and science are only at the beginning of this long journey. The prospects for intelligent systems are fascinating. An ideal intelligent system would be able to independently improve its own design and change its shape in a variety of ways, for example, adding missing material to certain parts of the structure, changing chemical composition individual nodes, etc. But will people have enough observation and intelligence to learn from nature? Modern bionics is largely associated with the development of new materials that copy natural ones. Other developers concentrate on the study of natural organisms. 5

6 Modern discoveries Modern bionics is largely associated with the development of new materials that copy natural ones. The same Kevlar appeared thanks to the joint work of genetic biologists and engineers, specialists in materials. Currently, there are technological discoveries that are based on the "intellectual potential" of nature. For example, in October 2003, the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center developed a new feeder technology for copiers and printers. In the new AirJet printed circuit, the developers copied the behavior of a termite swarm, where each termite makes independent decisions, but at the same time the swarm moves towards a common goal, such as building a nest. Designed in Palo Alto, the printed circuit is equipped with many air nozzles, each of which operates independently, without commands from the CPU, but at the same time they contribute to the overall task of advancing the paper. There are no moving parts in the device, which makes it possible to reduce the cost of production. Each printed circuit contains 144 sets of 4 nozzles directed in different directions, as well as 32,000 optical sensors and microcontrollers. But the most devoted adherents of bionics are engineers who design robots. Today, there is a very popular point of view among developers that in the future robots will be able to operate effectively only if they are as similar as possible to people. Scientists and engineers proceed from the fact that they will have to function in urban and 6

7 at home, that is, in a "human" interior with stairs, doors and other obstacles of a specific size. Therefore, at a minimum, they must correspond to a person in size and in terms of the principles of movement. In other words, the robot must have legs (wheels, caterpillars, etc. are not suitable for the city). But from whom to copy the design of the legs, if not from animals? Scientists from Stanford University have advanced the farthest in the direction of creating upright bipedal robots. They have been experimenting for almost three years with a miniature six-legged robot, a hexapod, built from a study of a cockroach's locomotion system. A miniature, about 17 cm long, six-legged robot (hexapod) from Stanford University is already running at a speed of 55 cm/s. and also successfully overcome obstacles. 7

8 Human-sized monopod able to maintain unstable balance by constantly jumping (Stanford University) Stanford also developed a human-sized one-legged jumping monopod that is able to maintain unstable balance by constantly jumping. As you know, a person moves by "falling" from one leg to another and spends most of the time on one leg. In the future, Stanford scientists hope to create a bipedal robot with a human walking system. Almost any technological problem that confronts designers or engineers has long been successfully solved by other living beings. For example, soft drink manufacturers are constantly looking for new ways to package their products. At the same time, an ordinary apple tree solved this problem a long time ago. An apple is 97% water, packed not in wood carton, but in an edible peel appetizing enough to attract animals that eat the fruit and spread the grains. Bionics experts argue in this way. When faced with an engineering or design problem, they look for a solution in the "science base" of unlimited size that belongs to animals and plants. Gustave Eiffel, who in 1889 built a drawing of the Eiffel Tower, did something similar. This structure is considered one of the earliest clear examples of the use of bionics in engineering. eight

9 The design of the Eiffel Tower is based on the scientific work of the Swiss anatomy professor Hermann von Meyer. Forty years before the construction of the Parisian engineering miracle, the professor studied the bone structure of the femoral head at the point where it bends and enters the joint at an angle. And at the same time, for some reason, the bone does not break under the weight of the body. Von Meyer discovered that the head of the bone is covered with an intricate network of miniature bones, thanks to which the load is redistributed in an amazing way over the bone. This network had a strict geometric structure, which the professor documented. The next discovery in bionics - Cocklebur fruit stuck to the shirt: This famous borrowing was made by the Swiss engineer George de Mestral in 1955. He often walked with his dog and noticed that some incomprehensible plants constantly stick to her fur. Tired of constantly cleaning the dog, the engineer decided to find out the reason why the weeds stick to the coat. After investigating the phenomenon, de Mestral determined that it was possible thanks to the small hooks on the fruits of the cocklebur (this is the name of this weed). As a result, the engineer realized the importance of his discovery and eight years later he patented the convenient Velcro, which is now widely used in the manufacture of not only military, but also civilian clothing. Some specific achievements of bionics already implemented for practical purposes, for example: Halley's diving bell, "Diver's suit", invented by Kingert. The secret of high speed movement 9

10 dolphins were solved by Soviet scientists V.E. Sokolov and A.G. Tomilin with employees. It turned out that the antiturbulence of the dolphin is provided by the peculiarities of the structure of the skin. Its epidermis is very elastic and resembles the best grades of car rubber. It consists of a thin outer and underlying sprout (styloid) layers. Elastic papillae of the dermis enter the cells of the germ layer, like the teeth of a rubber brush for suede shoes. The epidermis and papillae of the dermis are especially developed in the frontal part of the head and on the anterior edges of the fins, where the water pressure is maximum. Below the papillae of the dermis are collagen and elastin fibers, and between them is fat. All together acts like a damper to prevent turbulence and stall. Under pressure, subcutaneous fat changes the shape of the cells, and then restores it. Buffering of the skin is also achieved by the elasticity of collagen and elastin fibers. Thanks to these devices, the flow around the body of the dolphin remains laminar linear, without turbulence. In addition, on the elastic skin of dolphins there is a special lubricant that has water-repellent properties. Therefore, the body of a dolphin, when moving in water, seems to be rolling on ball bearings, providing another advantage, replacing sliding friction with rolling friction. When the dolphins reach their maximum speed, and their body is not able to extinguish the vortices with either the damping or hydrophobic properties of the skin, the skin itself begins to make wave movements in the form of folds moving along the body. These undulating skin folds not only dampen the vortices, but also reduce the force of friction in the middle and caudal parts of the animal's body. What did the engineers borrow from this information? In 1960, the German engineer M. Kramer invented soft shells "laminflo" from two and three layers of rubber 2.3 mm thick. At the same time, the smooth outer layer imitated the epidermis of the skin, the elastic middle layer with flexible 10

11 rods and damping fluid was similar to the dermis with collagens and fat, and the lower one served as a support plate. The damping liquid, moving between the rods, extinguished the vortices in the water layer closest to the model body. At the same time, braking was reduced by half, the speed was doubled. And then the possibility of reducing water resistance by 40-60% was confirmed. R. Pelt (USA), having lined the inner surface of the pipe with a dolphin skin simulator (polyester-based urethane resin), obtained a 35% reduction in pressure losses when moving liquid. Thus, a real opportunity arose to economically pump water, liquefied combustible gases, alcohol, molasses, liquid fertilizers, granules (in the form of a mixture with water in a ratio of 1: 1), fodder paste, tomatoes and other vegetables, even live vegetables, over hundreds of thousands of kilometers through pipes. fish. However, shipbuilders are already thinking about the creation and development of underwater cargo and passenger transport, as more economical in terms of energy, protected from any bad weather. At the same time, the issue of special engines for underwater transport, similar to rocket ramjet or turbojet installations, is being considered. That's how they move cephalopods octopus, squid, cuttlefish. They, like all underwater inhabitants, have the functions of an engine and a mover combined in one muscular mechanism, which contributes to the efficient release of energy, an increase in efficiency, and the reliability of the system. In a propulsion system based on the principle of squid propulsion, water is sucked into a chamber and then ejected through a nozzle. The ship is moving in the opposite direction. The squid mover is very economical. Squids develop speeds up to 70 km / h. According to the assumptions of scientists, they can move at twice the speed. Starting from depth into the air, they fly over waves of more than 50 m at a height of 7-10 m. In the water, they make rapid turns in horizontal and vertical 11

12 planes. All this opens up new promising prospects for shipbuilders. At present, research into the analyzer systems of animals and humans is a major contribution to scientific and technological progress. These systems are so complex and sensitive that they still have no equal among technical devices. For example, the temperature-sensitive organ of a rattlesnake distinguishes temperature changes of 0.0010 C; the electrical organ of fish (stingrays, electric eels) perceives potentials of 0.01 microvolts, the eyes of many nocturnal animals react to single light quanta, fish feel a change in the concentration of a substance in water of 1 mg / m3 (= 1 μg / l). Many living organisms have such analyzer systems that humans do not have. For example, grasshoppers on the 12th segment of the antennae have a tubercle that perceives infrared radiation. Sharks and rays have channels on the head and in the front of the body that perceive temperature changes of 0.10 C. Snails, ants and termites have a device that perceives radioactive radiation. Many respond to change magnetic field(mostly birds and insects making long-distance migrations). There are those who perceive infrared and ultrasonic vibrations: owls, bats, dolphins, whales, most insects, etc. The eyes of a bee react to ultraviolet light, a cockroach to infrared, etc. There are many more systems of orientation in space, the structure of which has not yet been studied: bees and wasps are well oriented by the sun, male butterflies (for example, the nocturnal peacock eye, hawk dead head, etc.) look for a female at a distance of 10 km. Sea turtles and many fish (eels, sturgeons, salmon) swim several thousand kilometers from their native shores and unmistakably return to lay eggs and spawn in the same place where they themselves began their life path. It is assumed that 12

13 they have two systems of orientation - distant, by the stars and the sun, and near by smell (the chemistry of coastal waters). Why, with the current level of technological development, is nature so ahead of man? Firstly, in order to understand the structure and principle of operation of a living system, to model it and implement it in specific structures and devices, universal knowledge is needed. And today, after a long process of fragmentation of scientific disciplines, the need for such an organization of knowledge that would allow them to embrace and combine them on the basis of common universal principles is just beginning to emerge. And bionics occupies a special position here. And secondly, in wildlife, the constancy of the forms and structures of biological systems is maintained due to their continuous restoration, since we are dealing with structures that are continuously destroyed and restored. Each cell has its own division period, its own life cycle. In all living organisms, the processes of decay and restoration compensate each other, and the whole system is in dynamic equilibrium, which makes it possible to adapt, rebuilding its structures in accordance with changing conditions. The main condition for the existence of biological systems is their continuous functioning. Technical systems created by man do not have an internal dynamic balance of the processes of decay and restoration, and in this sense they are static. Their operation is usually intermittent. This difference between natural and technical systems is very significant from an engineering point of view. CONCLUSION Nature offers engineers and scientists endless opportunities to borrow technologies and ideas. Previously, people were not able to see what is literally in front of their noses, but modern technical means and computer simulation helps 13

14 at least a little to understand how it works the world, and try to copy some details from it for your own needs. From year to year, such experiments continue, they are improved, improving and becoming better. Scientists are carefully working, trying to reach new heights in medicine with the help of bionics, among which, finally, it will be possible to give people who have lost limbs the opportunity to fully experience life, to move without a wheelchair. Bionics in medicine does not stand still, despite its young age, this science has already been able to reach unprecedented heights, and it may take another couple of years when it will be able to solve any complex medical problems, at least bionics in medicine can give hope, and this expensive. LITERATURE Bionics at school. c.n. feodosievich, G.I. Ivanovich, Kyiv, Questions of bionics. Sat. st., resp. ed. M. G. Gaaze-Rapoport, M., Live devices. Yu.g. Simvkov, M., Modeling in biology, trans. from English, ed. N. A. Bernstein, M., Secrets of Bionics. I.I.Garmash, Kyiv, INTERNET RESOURCES

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Option 161157 1. Bodies 1 and 2 move along the x-axis. The figure shows graphs of coordinates of moving bodies 1 and 2 versus time t. What equals module speed 1 relative to body 2? (Answer give

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