Map of Moldova with cities and rivers. Moldova map in Russian. Capital of Moldova, flag, history of the country. Detailed map of Moldova with cities and roads

Moldova or the Republic of Moldova is a parliamentary republic located in the south-east of Europe. Satellite map Moldova shows that the state borders on Romania and Ukraine. The country occupies an area of ​​33 846 km 2, along which two main rivers - the Prut and the Dniester - flow.

On a detailed map of Moldova, you can see that the country is divided into 32 districts, 5 municipalities, one autonomous territorial entity - Gagauzia and one autonomous territorial entity with a special status - Transnistria. On the territory of Pridnestrovie, there is the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, unrecognized by the Moldovan authorities. This is a zone of military conflict, which the peacekeepers are trying to resolve. The city of Bender is located on the territory of this district.

There are 65 cities in Moldova. The largest cities are Chisinau (capital), Balti, Tiraspol, Bendery, Rybnitsa and Cahul.

Today Moldova is considered the most poor country Europe. The country's economy is based on agriculture: food products and textiles are exported. Moldova is famous for its wines: there are 174 wineries in the country.

The national currency of the country is Moldovan Leu.

Historical reference

In 1359, the Moldavian principality was formed. From the 16th to the 18th century, the territory of the principality was part of Ottoman Empire... V late XVIII century, as a result of the Russian-Turkish wars, the left bank of the Dniester was transferred to Russian Empire... In 1812 Bessarabia became part of Russia. In the middle of the 19th century, Wallachia and Moldavia united to form Romania.

In 1917, the Moldavian Democratic Republic was created. In 1918, Bessarabia became part of Romania. In 1924, the Moldavian ASSR was formed. In 1940 it was transformed into the MSSR. In 1991, the country gained independence from the USSR.

Must Visit

The satellite road map of Moldova shows that the main highways connect the largest cities of the country. It is recommended to visit the capital of the country Chisinau and the cities of Tiraspol, Balti and Orhei. To visit the Bendery fortress in the city of Bendery, you will need permission from the border guards.

Among the sights of Moldova, it is worth noting the wine cellars of Malye Milesti and Cricova, medieval monasteries and cities (Old Orhei), as well as balneological resorts, for example, Vadul lui Voda, Cahul, Kalarash and Kamenka.

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Moldova (Republic of Moldova) is a small state located in the eastern part of Europe. Previously part of the USSR. Administratively it consists of 32 districts, each of which has an administrative center - a city-residence.

Largest cities: Chisinau, Balti, Bender, Comrat.

The capital of Moldova is the city of Chisinau.

Borders and area

Land border with Ukraine in the south, north and east and with Romania in the west.

The Republic of Moldova covers an area of ​​33 843 square kilometers.

Moldova map



3,564,000 people.


The state language is Moldavian.


More than 90% of the population of Moldova is Orthodox, about 0.15% are Old Believers.


The official currency is the Moldovan leu.

Medical assistance and insurance

Emergency help is free. It is recommended to purchase international medical insurance before visiting.

Mains voltage

220 volt. Frequency 50 Hz.

International dialing code

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(The Republic of Moldova)

General information

Geographical position... Moldova is a state in the south-east of Europe. In the north, east and south it borders on Ukraine, in the west on Romania. Square. The territory of Moldova occupies 33,700 square meters. km.

Main cities, administrative divisions. The capital of Moldova is Chisinau. The largest cities: Chisinau (754 thousand people), Tiraspol (186 thousand people), Tighinya (162 thousand people). Administratively, Moldova is divided into 40 districts.

Political system

Republic of Moldova. The head of state is the president, the head of the government is the prime minister. The legislature is a unicameral parliament.

Relief. The surface of Moldova is a hilly plain, crossed by river valleys and gullies; the most elevated part is the Codru Rise (height up to 429 m) in the center of the country.

Geological structure and minerals. On the territory of Moldova there are deposits of phosphorites, clay, limestone.

Climate. The climate in the country is mild: the average January temperature is about -4 ° С, the average July temperature is about + 20 ° С.

Inland waters. The rivers of Moldova belong to the Black Sea basin. The largest river is the Dniester, the second largest is the Prut.

Soils and vegetation. Moldova is located in the steppe and forest-steppe zones. Forests cover 8% of the territory of the republic. About two thirds of the forested area is occupied by oak plantations.

Animal world... The fauna of Moldova is quite rich: a large number of deer, roe deer, badgers, martens, weasels; the ermine is found. There are many rodents in the steppes: ground squirrel, hamster, ferret, field mouse and baby. Pelicans nest in the lower reaches of the Prut.

Population and language

The population of the Republic of Moldova is 4.458 million people, the average population density is about 132 people per 1 sq. Km. km. Ethnic groups: Moldovans - 65%, Ukrainians - 14%), Russians - 13%, Gagauzians - 3%>, Bulgarians - 2%. Languages: Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian.


Religion: Orthodoxy - 98.5%, Judaism - 1.5%.

A brief historical outline

In the X-XII centuries. As a result of the invasion of the nomadic Pechenegs and Polovtsians, the Slavic population from the territory of present-day Moldova almost completely disappeared.

In 1359, as a result liberation war an independent Moldavian principality arose against the Hungarian king.

In 1711 Moldova comes under Turkish rule. :

Russian-Turkish war 1806-1812 ended with the Bucharest Peace Treaty, according to which the eastern part of Moldova (Bessarabia) was ceded to Russia. In 1918, Soviet power was established in Kishinev. On August 27, 1991 Moldova declared its independence.

Brief economic outline

Moldova is an agrarian-industrial country. The leading branch of the industry is food (fruit and vegetable canning, sugar, winemaking, buttermilling, including the production of rose, sage, mint, lavender oils, milk and butter-rodel, tobacco, etc.). Mechanical engineering is developing; enterprises of chemical, woodworking, metallurgical, light industry. Fruit growing, viticulture and vegetable growing are of great importance. Sowing of grain, fodder and industrial (sunflower, sugar beet, tobacco, essential oil) crops. They grow vegetables and potatoes. The main branches of animal husbandry are dairy and beef cattle breeding, pig breeding, poultry farming. Exports: foodstuffs, textiles, machinery and equipment, chemical products.

The monetary unit is Moldovan leu.

Brief outline culture

Art and architecture. Among the main attractions of Moldova are the Cricova wine cellars, located in the worked-out mines for the extraction of shell rock, the largest wine cellars in the world. ...

Officially, the country is called the Republic of Moldova. This state is located in the South-Eastern region of Europe, has common borders with Romania and Ukraine. According to the latest data, the population of the country is more than 3.5 million inhabitants. The capital of Moldova is the city of Chisinau.

Moldova on world map

Administrative division: the territory of the country is divided into 32 districts, 5 municipalities (Chisinau, Balti, Comrat, Bendery, Tiraspol). The country also includes 1 autonomous entity called Gagauzia. The capitals of the municipalities are the largest cities in Moldova. On the territory of the country there is an unrecognized state called the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. It is not controlled by Chisinau.
The climate in the republic is moderately continental, in winter the average temperature is -3 - 6 degrees, in summer +19 - 22 degrees. Precipitation occurs mainly in spring and autumn (about 500 mm per year). It is best to come to Moldova in September or October, as at this time not only good weather, but also the harvest is in progress, so you can fully appreciate the natural gifts of this country. May to August is also very good time to visit the republic.
The largest rivers in Moldova include the Dniester, which originates in the Carpathians and flows through the country for 660 km, and the Prut. Reut, Botna, Byk, Ikel, Kogylnik and Yalpug also flow on the territory of the republic. There are 57 lakes in Moldova, of which the largest are Drachele, Krasnoe, Beleu, Fontan, Rotunda. More than 1,600 artificial reservoirs have been created in the country, including 53 reservoirs and 1,500 ponds (they are used for fishing and irrigation).

Map of Moldova in Russian

The Republic of Moldova has a large number of natural monuments and reserves. The main ones are:
- Codri is the oldest scientific reserve, where a large number of rare and endangered species of plants, animals and birds are protected;
- natural monument "Hundred Hills" - located in the valley of the Prut River, 200 km from Chisinau;
- Prutul de Jos is a lake about 2 meters deep, which is the remnant of the Danube. 23 species of plants grow here - the Red Book.
- Padurea Domneasca - the largest scientific reserve in the country;
- The Prut Rapids nature monument is a chain of coral reefs with a length of about 200 km.
There are many parks and squares in Chisinau, of which the most interesting square Cathedral, La Izvor park and its cascade of ponds, Valea Trandafirilor park, where there is a cascade of lakes and a museum of garden and park sculptures, Valea Morilor park (known for the Teatrul de Vare theater, as well as for the fact that an offshore zone is located on its territory " Moldexpo "). Used photographs from Wikimedia © Foto, Wikimedia Commons

Moldova or the Republic of Moldova is one of the small states of Eastern Europe, which occupies 33 846 km² between Romania and Ukraine. The territory of Moldova is divided into 32 administrative districts, 5 municipalities ( big cities that play an important role in various spheres of the country's life) and 2 autonomous territorial entities(Gagauzia and Transnistria). Characteristic feature Moldova is a flat area with low hills, the highest point is Mount Balaneshty, 428.2 meters high.

Online map of Moldova this is satellite photo high resolution, compiled from many space pictures into one image.

For increase satellite image of Moldova use the navigation bar in the upper left corner:

Detailed satellite map of Moldova:

Maps of the cities of Moldova from the satellite:

The Republic of Moldova has enormous potential, especially in agriculture, and this is facilitated by several factors:

The climate in the country is temperate continental due to its close location to the Black Sea and low hills.
The seasons change without sudden changes in temperature and conditions, the winters are quite mild (on average -4 ° C), and the summers are dry and warm (the average temperature is + 28 ° C).
Natural water resources include the Dniester and Prut rivers, and there is also an exit to the Danube. In addition, there are about 60 lakes in the country, the largest being Beleu, Drachele, Rotunda, Rosu, Byk and Fontan. 53 reservoirs are no less important, the largest is Dubossarskoe, as well as sources of mineral waters - about 200.

This beneficial combination of natural factors contributes to soil enrichment and development different types farming and Agriculture... It is not for nothing that Moldovan wines are appreciated all over the world. Climatic conditions and rich black soil are ideal for viticulture.

The municipalities of Moldova include: Chisinau (capital), Balti, Bendery, Tiraspol, Comrat. Autonomous entities:

The Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (the capital of Tiraspol) is self-proclaimed with a population of 600 thousand people, independent executive and legislative bodies, currency, and the media.
Gagauz Yeri in the south of Moldova with a population of 155 thousand people and the capital of Comrat. It also has its own governing bodies and a senior official - Bashkan.

The Republic of Moldova gained fame, first of all, thanks to unsurpassed wines with a rich bouquet and special conditions for their production. The second reason for visiting the country is its history - caves, medieval monasteries and fortresses. Not the least role is played by the richness of natural colors (especially in autumn) and acquaintance with the local flavor.
The number of residents of the republic is about 3.5 million, which characterizes Moldova as one of the rather densely populated countries. Former republic The USSR, today is a member of several world organizations (UN, World Trade Organization, etc.)