Designing individual educational activities for students. Basic Research

Using some general principles of pedagogical design developed by M.I. Rozhkov, we will supplement them and characterize those that are advisable to take into account when designing a child’s activities, his life and professional plans.

The principle of forecasting. Each participant in the educational process, and first of all the teacher, must foresee the results of the activity, which are expressed in changes in the child and his relationships with the outside world. The forecast, as a rule, is based on the analysis of data obtained during the diagnosis of his learning ability, training, readiness, good breeding, socialization, as well as materials from ongoing observation of the child’s behavior, activities, relationships in the process of activity, with others.

When forecasting, not only the analysis of objectively available data about the child and his relationships, but the teacher’s intuition, the basis of which is internalized experience, is of great importance pedagogical activity. Pedagogical intuition is the ability of a teacher to anticipate the consequences of implementing pedagogical actions.

This principle requires:

When defining a goal, imagine the changes that should occur as a result of its achievement (any pedagogical project must be humanistic and not cause harm to the student);

When creating a project, rely on the educational and educational results already achieved;

Focus on the near, as well as medium and long-term prospects for the child’s development;

Confirm intuitive assumptions with materials from the analysis of objective data;

More often put yourself in the student’s place and mentally replay his behavior and feelings that arise under the influence of the system created for him.

The principle of self-development. It means that when designing a student’s activities and his development, it is impossible to provide for the entire variety of life situations, therefore the projects created must be flexible, dynamic, capable of changes, restructuring, complication or simplification during their implementation. A harshly created project almost always leads to violence against participants in the educational process.

When implementing this principle, the following should be taken into account:

Each child has his own developmental and self-development characteristics, which should be reflected in the design;

The life and activities of a child are varied, the appearance and influence of a number of factors on his development is unpredictable, it is impossible to foresee everything in the project and one should not strive for this;

The project being developed must be such that its individual components are easily replaced and adjusted;

It is important to provide for the possibility of reusing the project, adapting it to changing conditions;

It is advisable to have a variable part of the project or create several project options.

The principle of motivational support for design activities. Assumes the formation of a positive, interested attitude of participants pedagogical process to the development and implementation of projects individual activities the student, his development, which is manifested in their voluntary and active participation in design activities.

This principle requires the following:

Carry out explanatory work on the need and feasibility of developing individual activity projects for each student, relying on convincing arguments, the opinion of authoritative teachers, students, parents who have such experience;

Include teachers, parents and children in a collective discussion of the advantages, problems, difficulties of design and ways to overcome them;

Involve participants in the educational process in the development of methodological support for design activities;

Take into account the interests, needs and capabilities of all participants in the pedagogical process when developing the project;

Ensure the voluntary participation of teachers, children, parents in design activities, and prevent the imposition of projects;

Monitor the progress of design, encourage the initiative of participants in the educational process in the creation and implementation of projects.

The principle of the child's subjective position. A student’s activity project becomes real if it is created by him/herself, that is, the child himself is an active participant in the design activity at all its stages, and it is necessary to provide appropriate psychological and pedagogical support for such activity.

In implementing this principle, teachers must ensure the following:

Organize self-diagnosis of the student, self-analysis of his achievements, opportunities, problems and difficulties, so that the child receives the necessary information about himself and possible prospects;

Carry out the process of goal setting with the participation of the child, teach him to determine his educational and professional plans, provide him with the opportunity to draw up his own version of the project, justify and defend it;

Organize analysis and reflection of the child’s activities at each stage of design;

Give the student the first opportunity to express his opinions and judgments in the process of design activity;

Encourage and support any initiative of the child;

Teach the child self-control, helping to complete the project and obtain the intended result, thereby confirming the feasibility of the design.

The principle of interaction between design participants. In the creation of a child’s project, other than himself may participate to one degree or another. classroom teacher, teachers, school administration, psychologist, parents, and specialist consultants. To design individual educational projects at a number of stages, for example, his classmates, friends and those whose opinion is significant for the child can be involved as experts.

To implement the principle you should:

To explore the possibilities of participation in the design of subjects of psychological and pedagogical support for child development;

Determine the functions, responsibilities, rights of each subject of design activity;

Organize joint activities of design participants in resolving issues of psychological and pedagogical support of this process, jointly discuss the organization and results of design activities;

Regulate the interaction of teachers, specialists and families in the process of creating and implementing individual child development projects at different levels (class, group, family, specific student, preschool educational institution, club, school).

The principle of manufacturability. Designing individual educational activities a student can be represented as an algorithm of actions of teachers, a child and his parents, which together provides a solution to a pedagogical problem (creating a student’s action plan, developing an individual educational program and etc.). During the design process, a choice of technologies for teaching and raising a child is made, which will become the basis for the interaction between teachers and the child.

This principle requires:

Defining a specific goal (system of goals) for the student;

Specifying the criteria by which its movement towards the goal(s) is monitored;

Developing stages of activity and a plan of action for the child to achieve the intended goal (system of goals);

Building consistent actions and steps of teachers and parents that ensure the student’s progress towards their goals;

Developments of monitoring the education and upbringing of a child.

The principle of continuity and cyclicity. This means that it is advisable to design a student’s activities throughout the entire period of education and upbringing, creating long-term projects (for a year, two or more), immediate ones (six months, a month) and current ones (a week, a day, a specific lesson). To implement a promising project, it is necessary to build a series of intermediate projects, while the child goes through the same stages and performs similar actions each time. This allows us to determine some cyclicality in the design of the student’s educational activities.

By implementing this principle, teachers do the following:

Systematically monitor the results of designing children's activities and make appropriate adjustments both to the projects themselves and to the organization of design;

Ensure continuity in design, rely on existing experience, constantly developing it, introducing new methods and technologies that are attractive to design participants;

They organize the development of a system of promising and immediate projects, offering and motivating participation in this process to all interested teachers, children and parents.

All design principles are closely interrelated. The implementation of the set of principles listed above can ensure the success of designing a child’s activities, his development and the achievement of intended educational and educational goals.



The concept of “individual trajectory of personality education” appeared relatively recently, although the idea not only hovered fruitlessly in the pedagogical air, but was also used for a long time when teaching individual students and in individual cases according to individual programs.

The goal of constructing individual educational trajectories in a general secondary education institution is for gifted students to master the existing range of social and environmental conditions for the fullest possible disclosure of the potential inherent in nature.

The traditional model of organizing the educational process ceases to meet the needs of the development of children's and adolescent giftedness, since the reproductive mastery of the educational material on which it is focused leads to inhibition and degradation of both the creative and general abilities of students, respectively, and their giftedness.

Modern teachers are looking for a new algorithm for creating the necessary pedagogical conditions establishing the student’s readiness to design an individual educational trajectory as a means of developing giftedness.

The construction of an individual educational trajectory is based on four critical process: forecasting, design, construction and evaluation of implementation effectiveness.

The implementation of an individual educational trajectory is carried out in stages:

1. Creation of an intellectual educational space in an educational institution that satisfies the needs of students in choosing sociocultural practices.

2. Activation of the student’s cognitive and transformative activity (motivation for individual educational activities).

3. Diagnostics of the level of development of the student’s abilities and his individual interests, characteristics, professional inclinations and inclinations (diagnostic stage). Based on the results of the work, an Individual Card is drawn up psychological development child.

4. Development of an individual educational route and technologies for its implementation.

5. Assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the individual educational trajectory of a gifted student (the degree of formation of personal, subject and meta-subject competencies; the success of professional self-determination.).

Development of an individual educational route.

Individual educational route - this is a purposefully designed differentiated educational program that provides the student with the position of the subject of choice, development and implementation of the educational program when implemented by teachers pedagogical support his self-determination and self-realization.

The basis of an individual educational route is the student’s self-determination.

A student’s individual educational route is not only a modern, effective form of assessment, but also helps solve important pedagogical problems.

Methodology for creating an individual educational route.

IOM helps a gifted child discover all his talents and decide on his future profession.

There is currently no universal recipe for creating an individual educational route (IEP).

The most effective advancement is in an individual educational route, which is built along the following vital lines:

line personal growth,

knowledge line (educational);

line of professional self-determination.

When designing an individual educational route, it is necessary to take into account:

1. The degree of students’ assimilation of previous material.

2.Individual pace, the speed of students’ progress in learning.

3.The degree of formation of social and cognitive motives.

4. Degree of level formation educational activities.

5. Individual typological characteristics of students (temperament, character, characteristics of the emotional-volitional sphere, etc.).

The structure of an individual educational route includes target, content, technological, organizational, pedagogical, and effective components.

A teacher drawing up an individual program for a student must rely primarily on the content of the basic program.

The main question of any educational program or route is How to structure the material? When starting to create an individual educational route, the teacher needs to determine what type of material is structured in his program.

Various educational program structures can be represented by simple geometric lines.

Linear – the principle of construction is from simple to complex.

Most of traditional programs are built by analogy with a straight line going up(Fig.1). It is thus very difficult to build a program focused on the development of giftedness, because gifted children often have a penchant for divergent type tasks (creative tasks). The peculiarity of these tasks is that they allow many correct answers. Solving these problems within the framework of the program, the main requirements of which are systematic and consistent, is quite difficult.

Concentric - structuring educational material according to the type of several concentric circles(Fig.2) .

The structure of such a program usually includes several smaller subroutines (they can be relatively autonomous). Having completed the first round, the child masters the second, then the third. This type of structure can be used for elementary school students.

Logarithmic spiral - the most productive type of structure, since the same type of activity is practiced in classes periodically, repeatedly, and the content gradually becomes more complex and expanded by enriching it with components of in-depth study of each action(Fig.3) . This method of structuring the material opens up great opportunities for students’ research activities, which are precisely aimed at developing their talent.

Development of an individual educational route heldgradually, taking into account the individual characteristics of the student.

    stage – diagnostics of the level of formation of personal, subject and meta-subject competencies of gifted students;

    goal setting stage and identifying priority tasks;

Each student chooses the topics that he has to master (in symbolic, schematic, drawing, thesis form) and builds his own individual image of the topic (the way he sees it ideally, this ideal is subsequently completed).

Based on the diagnostic results and the student’s choice of topic, the teacher, together with the student and his parents, determinesroute goals and objectives . You need to be prepared for the fact that in the process of learning and choosing the direction of future professional activity, the child’s priorities may change.

3 stage determining the implementation period of the IOM;

On an individual basis, in agreement with the parents and the child himself, the duration of the route is determined in accordance with the goals and objectives set, and the needs of the student himself. In a rural school where there is no opportunity to attend institutions additional education, it is necessary to clearly plan the possibility of additional classes without compromising the basic program.

This stage can be quite difficult, since the vast majority of students do not abandon the traditional form of education and IOM is carried out in parallel with receiving basic education or classes in specialized groups.

Stage 4 Programming of individual educational activities in relation to “our own” and common fundamental educational objects.

The student, with the help of the teacher and parents, acts as the organizer of his education: formulating the goal, selecting topics, expected final educational products and forms of their presentation, drawing up a work plan, selecting means and methods of activity, building a system for monitoring and evaluating activities. An individual training program is created for a certain period (lesson, topic, section, course).

Stage 5 Implementation of individual and general educational programs .

Activities for the simultaneous implementation of individual educational programs for students and the general educational program. Implementation of the planned program in accordance with the main elements of activity: goals - plan - activity - reflection - comparison of the products obtained with the goals - self-assessment. The role of the teacher is to guide, give an algorithm for the student’s individual activity, equip him with appropriate methods of activity, search for means of work, highlight criteria for analyzing work, review, and evaluate the student’s activity.

Stage 6 Integration with other specialists . The route developer, after analyzing the diagnostic results and based on the content of the educational and thematic plan, decides whether it is necessary to involve other specialists in working with this irradiated person to achieve the goal.

Stage 7 – Demonstration of personal educational products students and their collective discussion. The teacher demonstrates ideal “products” on a given topic: concepts, laws, theories, etc. Work is organized to identify problems in the environment, elements of which were obtained by students in their own activities.Ways to demonstrate results: display of achievements, personal exhibition, presentation - portfolio of achievements, exam, test work, etc.

Stage 8 – Reflective-evaluative stage.

Identification of individual and general educational products of activity, recording types and methods of activity. The results obtained are compared with the goals of the child’s educational activities.

Each student evaluates his activities and the final product, the level of personal changes. Personal merits are compared with fundamental achievements in this area, with the achievements of others. After self-assessment and evaluation, conditions are created for correction and planning of further collective and individual activities.

The method of assessing and self-assessing success is chosen by the teacher together with the child. You can evaluate success at each stage of mastering the route using the giftedness map. The student can conduct a self-assessment using diagnostic self-analysis questionnaires, during a conversation, or when discussing the results. The following sample questions may be used:

What goals did I set for myself at the beginning of the school year? (what I wanted to achieve)

What actions have I planned to achieve my goal? (what I should do)

Did I manage to realize my plans? (what I did to achieve the goal)

What is the effectiveness of my actions? (what I learned and what still needs to be done)

The greatest difficulty for students isdevelopment of their assessment competence . It is necessary to ensure that students themselves become experts in their own project activities and conceptualized examination procedures as an important means of managing their individual educational path.

The subject of the examination should not be limited to the final product of their project activities. To kidin the process of self-examination necessaryevaluate all increments in the development of competencies :

in obtaining and critically understanding new knowledge;

in working with various sources of information;

in collaboration with partners; in organizing your work space and time; in evaluating the results obtained;

in understanding the meaning of the completed project as a significant event.

Design and development of an individual educational route - joint activity of teacher and student

Federal state educational standards orient the education system towards achieving new results that are related to the need for personal development and determine this as the main goal and meaning of education. In this case, the following are distinguished:

  • personal results– these are the motives of activity, the system of value relations of students to themselves, other participants in the educational process, the educational process itself, objects of knowledge, results that were formed in the educational process;
  • meta-subject results– generalized methods of activity that students use not only within the educational process, but also in real life situations, mastered by them on the basis of several or all educational subjects;
  • subject results, which are expressed in students’ assimilation of specific elements of social experience studied within the framework of a specific academic subject.

To achieve the goal set by the state, the main task of education in modern stage is a change of priorities in educational activities and a transition from a structured, consistent, clear presentation theoretical material for the entire audience to individual contact with students and the formation, development of educated, competent, creative personality, ready for self-actualization both in their own interests and in the interests of society.

  • Content direction - creating an individual educational trajectory, providing the student with the opportunity to master the content of education and at the level that best suits his capabilities, needs and interests.
  • Activity direction - the formation of an individual educational trajectory through modern pedagogical technologies and IT technologies.
  • Procedural direction - organizational aspects of the pedagogical process.

When drawing up educational programs, the following indicators are taken into account:

  • school maturity;
  • health status, developmental characteristics, pace, work schedule;
  • training profile;
  • aptitude for a specific subject area;
  • the level of education.

For training persons with disabilities health taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development and individual capabilities, an adapted educational program should be developed, which, if necessary, ensures the correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation the specified persons.

In practice inclusive education an individual educational program is also used - a document that reflects the general strategy and specific steps of an interdisciplinary team, including teachers and parents, in organizing education and psychological and pedagogical support for a child with disabilities within the school.

A.V. Khutorskoy considers the individual educational trajectory as a personal path to realizing personal potential every student in education. The personal potential of a student here is understood as the totality of his organizational, activity, cognitive, creative and other abilities.

An individual approach is an important psychological and pedagogical principle based on the implementation in the educational process of an individual model of interaction between a teacher and individual students. This model is created taking into account their personal characteristics. An individual approach is focused on taking into account the individual characteristics of the student in the learning process, which allows the student to organize his activities economically, control his strength, work at an optimal pace, which contributes to achieving high results in educational activities. But in this form, individual learning in mass education is used to a limited extent.

The terms “individualization” and “differentiation” are usually considered in unity. The nature of their relationship is considered differently:

  • differentiation is equated with individualization;
  • individualization is a component of differentiation (as a special case);
  • differentiation is a means of individualizing education.

Personalization– this is taking into account the individual characteristics of students in the educational process, creating optimal conditions for the manifestation and development of personality as an individual through a choice corresponding to its capabilities, needs and interests of content, forms and methods of teaching.

Differentiation– separation of students for separate training based on any individual characteristics. An important addition is that these groups can be either stable or relatively stable, and individual training can be either permanent or temporary.

Individual educational route- this is a pre-planned path for the student to follow, which is aimed at his upbringing, development, and training. Scientists define this route as a purposefully designed differentiated educational program that provides the student with the position of a subject of choice, development and implementation of an educational program when teachers provide pedagogical support for his self-determination and self-realization.

Thus, an individual educational route:

Purposeful, as it is associated with a specific goal and the conditions for its achievement;

Developed before implementation and determined by the student’s existing knowledge and experience;

Designed as an individual educational program.

An individual educational route is determined by educational needs and is developed taking into account the abilities and capabilities of students, as well as taking into account existing standards for the content of education and the content of the basic educational program.

The structure of an individual educational route includes the following components:

– target (setting goals for obtaining education, which are formulated on the basis of the state educational standard, motives and needs of the student);

– technological (definition of used pedagogical technologies, methods, techniques, systems of training and education);

– diagnostic (definition of the diagnostic support system);

– organizational and pedagogical (conditions and ways to achieve pedagogical goals);

– effective (expected results are formulated).

The development of an individual educational route is carried out jointly by the teacher, the student and his parents or legal representatives, but the priority right to choose the route of his own education belongs, first of all, to the student himself.

The main task of the teacher and parents is to provide assistance in the design and implementation of their targeted development project. For this purpose in educational institution are being created special conditions, namely, conditions for studying the interests, needs and abilities of students, ensuring variety and variety of activities and programs, providing freedom of choice, increasing the degree of teacher readiness to implement an individual educational route, organizing monitoring.

Often, designing individual educational routes causes difficulties for teachers due to a wide range of individual differences in students. In this regard, it is most often rational to begin the development of routes by determining the characteristics of students. Differentiation criteria can be:

Age of students;

Gender sign;

Physical and psychophysical characteristics;

Social characteristics;

Level of proficiency in academic subject knowledge and skills;

Motivation for children's learning.

Individual educational routes may vary according to the following characteristics:

The degree of complexity, expressed in the breadth and depth of disclosure of a specific topic, problem, conceptual apparatus;

Rate of development;

Logic of teaching;

Methods, techniques and ways of organizing the educational process.

But all of them must be adequate to the specific student, the content and model of the educational process.

An individual educational route consists of compulsory, variable, correctional and organizational parts.

1. The mandatory part consists of the main topics to be studied.

2. The variable part consists of a set of topics that interest the student, which he can choose for further study.

These two parts (mandatory and variable) are aimed at determining the content of the material being studied.

3. The correctional part is aimed at helping students select topics from the variable part, taking into account their individual characteristics, as well as determining the organizational part.

4. The organizational part includes the following components methodological system: forms, methods, technologies, means, control of studying the selected content.

It is important to remember that this and all other parts of the individual educational route involve the choice of the student.

To implement an individual educational route, individual educational programs are developed:

Programs aimed at improving the quality of education in the educational program;

Programs aimed at creativity (participation in olympiads, projects, conferences, intellectual games).

Great importance to successfully complete an individual educational route has proper organization work at individual stages of activity.

Each student receives information from the teacher about the forms, schedule of activities, frequency and forms of control. An individual schedule may include time for self-study educational material, consultations, implementation of educational projects, preparation for events, participation in educational activities and other forms of organizing the educational process.

When developing an individual program for a particular child, the teacher relies on the content of the basic program. The main question of every educational program is: “How to structure the material?” Therefore, when starting to develop an individual educational route, the teacher needs to determine what type of material is structured in his program.

There are different structures of educational programs. Let's look at them using geometric lines as an example.

Most traditional programs structure their structure in the analogy of a straight line going up. Here the principle of systematicity and consistency is implemented: from simple to complex.

It is very difficult to build a program that is focused on developing the creative potential of a particular child, since it involves tasks creative type, the peculiarity of which is the presence of many correct answers. Solving such problems within the framework of a program whose main requirements are systematic and consistent is quite difficult.

There is another way to structure educational material - like several concentric circles. The structure of this program, as a rule, includes several smaller subroutines (their autonomy is allowed). Having completed the first round, the student masters the second, then the third. This principle is possible when developing an individual educational route.

But the most productive is the third type of program - the logarithmic spiral. Thanks to this structure, the same type of activity is practiced in classes periodically, repeatedly, with a gradual complication of the content due to the enrichment with components of in-depth study of each action. This type structuring materials opens up great prospects for students’ research activities.

An individual educational program has a number of functions:

Normative - it fixes the student’s workload, fixes the order of execution curriculum and justifies the choice of educational route;

Motivational – informs about the totality of the student’s educational activities over a certain time, determines the goals, values ​​and results of the student’s educational activities;

Organizational – determines the types of educational activities of the student;

Self-determination – allows you to realize the needs for self-determination based on the implementation of educational choice.

Consequently, an individual educational route determines a program of specific actions for students through an individual educational program and allows us to design a time sequence, forms and types of organizations for interaction between teachers and students, and a range of types of work.

Let's consider construction scheme individual educational route:

  • Diagnostics. This stage is focused on diagnosing the level of development of the student’s abilities and his individual characteristics.
  • Definition of goals and objectives. The goals and objectives that the student must achieve upon completion of the individual educational route are designed.
  • Determining the duration of the project. In agreement with the parents and the student himself, the time that the student needs to spend on mastering basic and special program, in accordance with the set goals and objectives.
  • Definition of the role of parents (legal representatives) student in the implementation of the route. Provides for the participation of parents in developing the route, setting goals, and joint practical activities with their child.
  • Development of an educational thematic plan (hourly). The teacher, together with the student and parents, selects lesson topics in addition to the main topics, focusing on the interests of the student.
  • Content Definition educational and thematic plan, form of classes, techniques and methods, form of determining results.
  • Integration with other specialists. Based on an analysis of the diagnostics and the selected content of the program, the teacher decides on the need to attract specialists from other fields.
  • Determining ways to assess student success at every stage of the route development. Methods for choosing assessment and self-assessment are chosen by the teacher together with the student. Possible forms of summing up: concert, show, open lesson, display of achievements, participation in the Olympiad, scientific and practical conference, test work, exam, test, reflection, personal exhibition.

Based on the characteristics and qualities of a person identified through diagnostics, it is possible to determine the forms and methods of education within the framework of the technology of an individual educational route.

Implementation The individual educational route is also carried out in stages, where the activities of each subject of the educational process are provided for.

Stage 1 “Diagnostics”.

Activities of the teacher: diagnosing the level of training, identifying interests, level of formation personal qualities.

Student activities: participation in diagnostic testing.

Stage 2 “Program development”.

Activities of the teacher: setting goals and objectives, selecting educational material and its organization (adaptation to the student’s level of training).

Student activities: determining your own goals and needs, familiarizing yourself with the expected results.

Stage 3 “Implementation of an individual educational program.”

Activities of the teacher: organization of the educational process, namely instructing, providing didactic material, establishment of favorable psychological climate, providing support to the student.

Student activities: fulfillment of tasks, instructions, requirements provided for by the individual educational route.

Stage 5 “Presentation of personal educational results».

Activities of the teacher: Organization of control (current, mutual control, self-esteem).

Student activities: the final work, which contains a theoretical reproduction (demonstration of theoretical competence in the studied aspect), a practical solution to the assigned problems.

Stage 6 “Reflective-evaluative”.

Activities of the teacher: assessment by analyzing the results obtained in the educational process.

An approximate diagram of self-analysis of a student undergoing training under an individual educational program:

  • What goals did I set for myself at the beginning of the program? (What did I want?)
  • What actions have I planned to achieve my goal? (What I should do?)
  • Did I manage to realize my plans? (What did I do to achieve the goal?)
  • What is the effectiveness of my actions? (What have you learned? What else needs to be done)?

Activities of students: assessment of the work done, comparison of the set goal and the results obtained, decision to continue training on the topic or change it.

In the process of implementing an individual educational route, the teacher performs a number of functions:

-tutoring– management of independent extracurricular work of students, which involves support (solving problems by the students themselves), support of educational activities and facilitation (support of personal development). The teacher-tutor develops assignments, organizes discussions, works with the student’s subjective experience, analyzes cognitive interests, intentions, personal aspirations, thinks through ways to motivate and record results, and develops performance results.

- consulting– interaction between a teacher and a student, organized in a special way and aimed at solving emerging problems and making positive changes in the student’s activities.

- expert– assessment of the work performed by the student.

-design– support of the student’s educational activities.

- process– accompaniment of the student during the implementation of an individual educational route.


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UDC 378.147.88

L. N. Knyazkova


The article examines the problem of designing a student's individual educational activity, and examines in detail the stages of developing projects for a student's individual educational activity when studying pedagogical disciplines.

The problem of individual educational activity of students and the stages of development of projects at studying pedagogical disciplines are considered in this article.

Key words: student, pedagogical design, design stages, individual educational activities, activity program.

Keywords: the student, pedagogical modeling, stages of design, individual educational activity, the program of activity.

System transition higher education to new standards of the third generation requires a revision of approaches to preparing future teachers for professional activities. Main distinctive features new form The organization of a student’s educational activity is: focus on the individual characteristics of the student; formation of the student’s subjective position; allocating more time for practical independent activities; variability of tasks; the use of modern pedagogical technologies and new forms of assessing student performance. Particular emphasis is placed on the formation of student subjectivity. The goal of vocational training is the ability of young people to independently solve the problems facing them. In this regard, instructional design is effective means, facilitating the acquisition and development of professional competencies. We consider pedagogical design as an activity aimed at understanding and transforming pedagogical reality, foreseeing the consequences of the implementation of certain plans.

Pedagogical design is one of the important aspects of pedagogical activity and features teaching profession. Design in education is a powerful mechanism for creating a variety of effective pedagogical

© Knyazkova L. N., 2012

logical means, processes and systems, which allows you to organize learning in the process of activity, develop the ability to apply knowledge, skills and abilities to solve practical professional and life problems.

The Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education, as one of the requirements for a graduate of a pedagogical university, calls mastery of design competence, which consists of building individual routes for the education, training, and development of students based on studying their capabilities, needs, achievements, creating conditions for activating their independent cognitive activity; carrying out self-education, personal growth, building a further educational route and professional career. The ability to design the educational process is an indicator of the professionalism of the teacher, the ability to apply modern educational technologies when solving practical problems.

The pedagogical university is called upon to prepare its graduates in an updated education system, built on the basis of individualization of the learning process and education of the younger generation - therefore, it is important that the system of work of teachers simulates an individualized educational environment and students feel themselves to be full-fledged subjects of the process of their personal and professional development, and then could use this experience in solving the problem of individualization of the educational process at school. Pedagogical disciplines today are considered as the most important means of developing a student’s subjectivity, his individuality, creativity, self-realization, mastering the skills of self-organization, self-analysis, design of professional and personal life activities.

We consider the technology of designing individual educational activity (IEA) of a student in the process of studying pedagogical disciplines, which can be represented by the sequence of the following stages of joint activity between a teacher and a student, to be one of the effective technologies for developing the subjectivity of a future teacher and the formation of design competence.

1. Preparatory stage is based on the joint practical activities of all teachers of pedagogical courses, preparation for the implementation of the student’s IDI design technology through various shapes: methodological seminars, joint meetings of departments, meetings of problem groups, individual meetings-conversations, allowing to discuss, analyze the experience of using this technology and highlight the main, general ideas, approaches to organizing the process.

2. Motivational stage. The goal of this stage is to understand the importance of the discipline for future professional activity through the formation of a personal attitude towards the subject area being studied, identifying problems that may arise when studying it, and reflecting on existing knowledge and experience. In order to stimulate the student’s motivational sphere, you can use various methods and techniques:

The “Cluster” technique, which is aimed at identifying and formalizing a student’s personal meanings, developing the ability to establish comprehensive connections and relationships of the concept or phenomenon being studied, helps the student reach his own goal setting; creating situations of educational, cognitive debate on various topics;

The “Reflection” technique, where students make assumptions in response to the questions: a) What can pedagogy study? b) Why is pedagogy needed?;

Reception "Decision" pedagogical situations» - the teacher shows videos with problematic pedagogical situations, and students offer options for solving them;

Creation of a “model” of a modern teacher. Before starting to study the disciplines of the pedagogical block, it is advisable to discuss issues of the social purpose of the profession of “teacher”, features of teaching activity, personal and professionally significant qualities of a teacher. In the process of group work, students can “draw” a portrait, create a “model of a modern teacher.” The created “model” of a teacher can become the basis for discussing and comparing the requirements that are placed on a teacher today.

The motivational stage of IOD design may include familiarizing students with the standards, academic sections and topics that are included in the discipline. The manifestation of a motivational attitude characterizes activity, focus on finding and achieving a goal, helps to understand one’s emotions and form the image of “I”.

3. The diagnostic stage consists of studying and assessing the student’s individual psychological characteristics and level of formation professional qualities in order to track the dynamics of their development. We invite each student to study the features of the formation of the essential spheres of individuality, motivation for professional activity, self-esteem, determine the type of professional orientation, and the level of development of reflexivity. The diagnostic process itself takes place in the first lesson with students and is closely interconnected with the motivational stage. The results of the initial diagnostics are proposed to be entered into the “Diagnostic Card”. The results obtained are discussed together with the teacher, which allows students to

dents receive information about their individual characteristics and opportunities, inclinations and abilities, life plans and orientations, ensures the student’s subjective position, forms analytical thinking, and develops reflection skills. Students develop recommendations for the development of individual characteristics, design ways and means of improving professionally important personality traits through the organization of educational activities.

Based on the idea of ​​forming and developing the competencies necessary for a teacher, at the diagnostic stage students are offered a “Map professional growth”, with the help of which self-esteem and mutual assessment of the formation of competencies is diagnosed, demonstrating its individual development in the process of studying the entire Pedagogy course, as well as passing teaching practice.

Working with the “map” involves students assessing the degree of development of their competencies, which should be formed by a block of disciplines; assessment is carried out through scaling the proposed competencies. The peculiarity of the introduction of the “Professional Growth Card” lies in the monitoring and self-observation of the student’s individual changes throughout his studies at the university.

4. The goal-setting stage involves understanding and setting the goal of the student’s educational activity, which has a decisive impact on the content, means of learning, and represents a generalized ideal result that the student strives for together with the teacher. For a more successful goal-setting process, the teacher, together with students, discusses the content of the disciplines, defining the general goal of studying the subject area. At the goal-setting stage, work with the “Professional Growth Map” continues. Based on the results of diagnostics, self-diagnosis, mutual assessments, and the content of the discipline, the student formulates a long-term personal and professional goal for the period of studying the discipline, course, topic and makes assumptions about possible means of achieving the goal, which provides the opportunity to include the student in determining the meaning and attitude to the courses being studied and disciplines.

5. The IOD planning stage is carried out on the basis of diagnostic results, set goals, and the student’s ideas about future professional activities. When studying each topic of the discipline, students are offered variable tasks of various nature. For example, variable tasks can be offered depending on the student’s future plans: research tasks are recommended

students planning to continue their studies in a master's program, assignments of a practical nature; students wishing to work in their chosen professional field, assignments basic level aimed at developing a basic level of competencies.

It is possible to use level tasks:

Reproductive level, tasks are intended to develop the skills to perform tasks according to a certain algorithm of actions - tasks according to the example: taking notes, filling out tables, diagrams, etc.;

The constructive level, tasks allow you to develop the skills of reproducing acquired information and solving typical problems based on it educational tasks- drawing up a plan, abstracting, annotating, creating a thematic portfolio, etc.;

The creative (heuristic) level of tasks involves solving non-standard educational problems based on existing knowledge and experience. Such tasks require identifying a problem, finding ways to solve it and their implementation - writing essays, modeling and solving pedagogical situations, setting and solving pedagogical problems, creating creative project, creative work and so on.;

Research level assignments are focused on creative search work, research activities aimed at developing the ability to establish new facts, identify and substantiate cause-and-effect relationships - conducting micro-research, creating research, search, applied projects, creating a “problem-research portfolio”, etc.

When discussing the content of a discipline or topic, each student can determine the level of its mastery (basic, advanced, scientific-practical), and assess their significance in achieving the goal.

6. The content-technological stage involves active work on the implementation of the individual program and individual plans of students. When studying the discipline, students perform variable tasks, most of which are an example, a scheme for performing activities during the period of teaching practice. When completing assignments, it is advisable to create a portfolio of studying the discipline, which will be, on the one hand, the basis for tracking the dynamics of the student’s development, and on the other hand, an accumulator of completed practical tasks for teaching practice and the result of IOD.

It is important to build a system of control and evaluation of student activities in class, when completing assignments and independent activities outside

audience. The point-rating system for assessing learning outcomes and achievements, which is being introduced today, ensures the formation of students’ motivation for systematic work, the development of students’ self-assessment abilities, the implementation of an individual approach in the educational process, differentiation in assessment, stimulating students to master educational programs, and increasing the objectivity of assessment achievements of students, activation of students when organizing activities in the classroom.

7. The final analytical stage involves repeated diagnostics, study and analysis of the dynamics of the formation of competencies, analysis of the effectiveness and efficiency of IOD design, setting goals for teaching practice, long-term goals, and self-analysis of professional achievements.

The result of designing individual educational activities can be the following projects:

Individual educational program; self-education program; a program for developing the qualities necessary to master competencies that reflect the student’s basic educational and professional plans and propose ways to implement these plans;

Individual educational plan; individual plan of teaching practice; an individual preparation plan for an exam in a specific discipline, which reflects actions to achieve goals, as well as the order, forms and time of implementation;

An individual route for mastering the program, organizing activities, developing professionally important qualities, revealing the program regarding the individual plans of each student and the conditions for its optimal implementation.

It should be noted that the design of a student’s individual educational activity should be based on the voluntary decision of the student himself; it is necessary to motivate students to design and organize their own activities, since the design process helps to comprehend the future, make conscious choice and make the right decision.

Thus, our study showed that the above-described organization of a student’s educational activities gives positive results in terms of mastering educational material and developing the student’s individual and professional qualities.

Designing a student’s individual educational activity when studying pedagogical disciplines is the basis for further designing various types of activities in the classroom, types of independent work.

bots, pedagogical tasks, research work.


1. Kolesnikova I. A., Gorchakova-Sibirskaya M. P. Pedagogical design: textbook. allowance. M.: Academy, 2005.

2. Individualization of the educational process in a pedagogical university: monograph / ed. L. V. Bayborodova, I. G. Kharisova. Yaroslavl: Publishing house YAGPU im. K. D. Ushinsky, 2011.

UDC 37.018.26

N. A. Tupitsyna


The article is devoted to the problem of using modern interactive humanitarian technologies for the purpose of developing personal and professional competencies of the community of teachers, children and parents in the gymnasium. It reveals the features of the implementation of these technologies in the educational environment of the gymnasium.

The article is devoted to the problem of using modern interactive humanitarian technologies aiming at shaping personal and professional competences of the community of teachers, students and parents of gymnasia. It reveals the peculiarities of the implementation of such technologies in the educational environment of gymnasia.

Key words: modern interactive humanitarian technologies, personal and professional competencies, pedagogical ideas of S. L. Soloveichik, community of teachers, children and parents.

Keywords: modern interactive humanitarian technologies, personal and professional competences, the system of pedagogical ideas of S.L. Soloveichic, the community of teachers, students and parents.

According to the Modernization Concept Russian education education should become “an organic component of pedagogical activity, integrated into the overall process of learning and development.” The most important tasks of education are the formation in schoolchildren of civic responsibility and legal consciousness, spirituality and culture, initiative and independence,

© Tupitsina N. A., 2012 16

tolerance, ability for successful socialization and active adaptation to the labor market.

The competency-based approach to education focuses on developing competencies in students that provide them with the opportunity for successful socialization, manifested in the individual’s ability to perform diverse types of social and professional activities. Competence is the integrative integrity of knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure professional activity; it is a person’s ability to put his competence into practice. Since the implementation of competencies occurs in the process of performing various types of activities to solve theoretical and practical problems, the structure of competencies, in addition to activity (procedural) knowledge, abilities and skills, also includes motivational and emotional-volitional spheres. An important component of competencies is experience - the integration of individual actions, methods and techniques for solving problems acquired by a person. Forming a joint experience of intellectual and creative activity of the community of teachers, children and parents is one of the tasks of implementing the author’s educational program “Family + school + pedagogical ideas of S. L. Soloveichik = cooperation” in the educational environment of KOGOKU “Vyatka Humanitarian Gymnasium with in-depth study in English" The program includes methodological recommendations for studying the pedagogical heritage of S. L. Soloveichik and the development of various educational and educational events that implement ideas pedagogical system S. L. Soloveichik. The monitoring results indicate that in the conditions of joint intellectual-creative, teaching-educational and design-organizational activities, the formation and development of the unity of the motivational-semantic, spiritual-moral and intellectual-communicative spheres of personality of all participants in the child-adult community: students, teachers and parents.

The use of humanitarian interactive technologies in the educational process of a gymnasium, involving teachers, children and parents in joint intellectual and creative activities to form cooperative relationships, is one of the main pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of personal, professional and general cultural competencies. We understand modern humanitarian interactive technologies as “varieties of social technologies” based on the practical use of knowledge about a person in order to create conditions for the free and comprehensive development of the individual in interactive interaction with other representatives of society. We refer to such technologies.


The role and place of individual educational programs in the achievement of personal, meta-subject and subject results by general education school students is determined. Based on the analysis modern concepts individualization, the psychological and pedagogical mechanism for designing an individual educational program is revealed. An individual educational program is considered as the result of specifying an educational program based on the needs and individual characteristics of students. It is assumed that it is possible to create such programs both for individual students and for several people with similar inclinations and a similar level of development. It is proposed to design individual educational programs based on a modular approach. In accordance with this, the main provisions and principles of the modular approach are outlined, and the possibilities of modular training in ensuring the individualization of educational activities are shown. The ways of constructing an individual educational program in the form of independent educational models focused on achieving specific universal educational activities in students. The features of interaction between teacher and students in the selection of educational modules and determination of content are interpreted independent work.

synthesis of training modules

principles of modular training

educational result

modular approach


individual educational program

comprehensive school


1. Aleksandrova E. A. Pedagogical support for high school students in the process of development and implementation of individual educational trajectories: Abstract of thesis. dis. ... Dr. ped. Sciences: 13.00.01. – Tyumen, 2006. – 42 p.

2. Vishnevskaya L. L. Research activities gymnasium students as a means of realizing their individual educational trajectories: Abstract of thesis. dis. ...cand. ped. Sci. – Yaroslavl, 2008. – 18 p.

3. Ilyasov D.F. Development of individual educational and self-educational programs: a methodological manual. – Chelyabinsk: CHIPKRO publishing house, 1996. – 58 p.

4. Ryzhukhina I. Yu. Using the subjective experience of students in the design of individual educational programs: Dis. ...cand. psychologist. Sciences: 19.00.07. – M., 2000. – 129 p.

5. Semenko I. E. Design of a personality-oriented educational program for initial professional training: Abstract of thesis. dis. ...cand. ped. – Yekaterinburg: publishing house UGPPU, 1998. – 18 p.

6. Choshanov M. A. Flexible technology of problem-based and modular learning: methodological manual. – M.: Public Education, 1996. – 160 p.

7. Yutsevichene P. A. Theory and practice of modular training. – Kaunas: Shviesa, 1989. – 214 p.

8. Prokopenko J., Whint J., Bittel L., Eckles R. Modular Programmer for Supervisory Development. Switzerland, Geneva: Introduction and Trainers Guide, 1981. – 244 p.

9. Russell G. D. Modular Instruction // A Guide to the Design Selection, Utilization and Evaluation of Modular Material. Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing Company, 1974. – 196 p.

Modern pedagogical concepts make it possible to consider the problem of designing individual educational programs for students in secondary schools, taking into account new scientific achievements. A study of existing publications shows that there is not only a dynamic quantitative accumulation of experimental material and theoretical generalizations in this area, but also qualitative shifts in the development of psychological and pedagogical aspects of the concept of individualization of student learning. For example, a position has been proven that postulates the need to adapt the educational process at school to a specific student. However, this is practically impossible with traditional approaches to teaching and education that have developed in secondary schools. These circumstances indicate the relevance of the creation and implementation in practice high school adaptive systems for individualized learning for students. We believe that we can talk about searching for psychological and pedagogical mechanisms for designing individual educational programs for students.

In the scientific literature there is a large number of definitions of educational programs, which, one way or another, relate to the individualization of the educational process at school. A number of authors use the term “individual educational and self-educational program”, others use the term “personally-oriented educational program” or “individual educational trajectory” (“individual educational route”), much more often the term “individual educational program” is used.

Note that the diversity of points of view in defining individual programs is unlikely to contribute to the construction of an appropriate pedagogical theory, not to mention the design issues of such tools. This can explain our desire to generalize existing approaches to defining software for individualizing the content of student education. It makes sense to limit ourselves to a more general term - “individual educational program”. In this case, this term can be considered as the basic concept, and such concepts as “individual educational and self-educational program”, “personally-oriented educational program”, etc. - as auxiliary (or defined concepts).

In accordance with this, we define an individual educational program as an educational program developed on the basis of the expressed needs and individual characteristics of students and specified in accordance with the nature of the development of personal, meta-subject and subject results in the respective students. Let us pay attention to the fact that the term “individual” is not identified with the word “personal”, which allows us to talk about the possibility of designing an individual educational program for a group of students with similar inclinations, similar in level of development, interests, etc. With all this, individual educational programs allow for the existence of various personalized options.

Individual educational programs are derived from educational programs for preparing students in general. In other words, in individual educational programs, taking into account information about the specifics of the school and the characteristics of students, the content of the main educational program is specifically developed. At the same time, individual educational programs are more flexible and changeable compared to basic educational programs. This is manifested in the characteristic features of individual programs. Such features, in particular, include: the derivativeness of individual educational programs from the main educational program; taking into account the individual personal, psychological and physiological characteristics of students or their groups; an increase in the share of independent work in the structure of students’ educational activities; mobility of individual educational programs depending on the results of the formation of personal, meta-subject and subject results in students.

Our research shows that when designing individual educational programs, not only information about specific students is important, but also information that reflects the external conditions in which the educational process takes place. For example, important information is about: staffing the educational process at school, interaction of the school with various social partners, prospects for the development of the school in personnel, scientific-methodological and material-technical areas, etc. As a result, it becomes possible to take into account all available resources that are directly used in the design of individual educational programs. Thanks to such information, it is possible to fill the invariant part of individual programs with specific content. The variable part is specified more significantly. We are talking about the need to take into account the individual characteristics of students when developing and using individual programs. We believe that in ideal individual programs should be created for each student, taking into account his personal characteristics, inclinations and targets. In this case, the effectiveness of the educational process at school increases significantly. However, practice shows that it is quite possible to take into account the individual characteristics of a group of students (several people) who have similar inclinations, interests and goals.

Modern scientific developments justify the possibility of using a modular approach for the purpose of designing individual educational programs. For example, in foreign literature The term “modular training” is used, which is interpreted as training based on modules in whole or in part. In the domestic literature, training using programs, the construction of which involves a modular approach, is understood as this type of training when each student, relatively or completely independently, can work with the complex curriculum proposed to him, which includes a target program of action, an information bank and methodological guidance for achieving set pedagogical goal. The most complete foundations of the modular approach to teaching were developed by P. A. Jutsevichene and presented in the monograph “The Theory and Practice of Modular Training”.

Most authors believe that the basis of such training is a program compiled using modules. The concept of “module” is used in many industries: architecture and construction (a conventional value adopted to express multiple ratios of the sizes of parts of a building or structure in order to coordinate them, making the structure or its parts commensurate); radio electronics (a unified functional unit of radio electronic equipment, made in the form of an independent product); technology (unified unit (or part complex system), designed structurally as an independent product and performing a specific function in various technical devices); computer science (a functionally complete unit that is part of a certain system, designed as an independent product and having the property of replaceability). One of the main purposes of this term is a functional unit. IN pedagogical literature module is understood as a certain artificial education system, which “reflects the content, procedural-effective and organizational-managerial aspects of pedagogical means with the help of which students are assigned a certain level of education.” Required feature module is its focus on students (their inclinations, expressed needs), on the educational goal in the conditions social protection students (mental state and physical health, the desire of students, their real capabilities, natural abilities, predisposition to various types activities).

When constructing an individual educational program modularly, the content of education is presented in the form of independent educational blocks (modules) aimed at achieving specific universal scientific actions. It can be stated with confidence that with this approach to building individual programs, it is possible to completely individualize the content of students’ education. As a result academic work According to such programs, there is an individual pace of passing the material, the possibility of variability in the choice of training modules and their elements; increasing the proportion of independent work and introducing students to self-education.

The theory of modular learning is based on specific principles that are closely related to general didactic principles. They act as a guiding idea, the basic rule of activity and behavior in accordance with established patterns. The issues of developing the principles of modular training were dealt with to one degree or another by: A. A. Gutsinski, B. Goldshmid, M. Goldshmid, J. Russell, V. M. Gareev, S. I. Kulikov, E. M. Durko, P. A. Jucevicienė and others. The general direction of modular training, its goals, content and organizational methodology are determined by the following principles of modularity: separation of isolated elements from the training content, dynamism, effectiveness and efficiency of knowledge and its system, conscious perspective, versatility of methodological consulting, parity. The principles of modular learning are interconnected, they (except for parity) reflect the features of the content of education, and the principle of parity characterizes the interaction between teacher and students in new conditions that arise during the implementation of the principles of modularity, the separation of isolated elements from the content of learning, the dynamism, effectiveness and efficiency of knowledge and its system , conscious perspective, versatility of methodological consulting.

The main means of modular training is a modular program consisting of individual modules. P. A. Yutsevichene developed principles for constructing modular programs: the intended purpose of information material; combinations of complex, integrating and private didactic goals; completeness of educational material in the module; 4) relative independence of module elements; implementation of feedback; 6) optimal transmission of information and methodological material.

There are grounds to assert that with such an organization educational process students are involved in active and effective educational activities, working with content-individualized programs. Here comes the individualization of control, self-control, correction, and counseling. It is important that students have the opportunity to self-realize and this contributes to the motivation of learning.

Practice shows that the development of training modules is a rather labor-intensive procedure. When implementing it, it is important to remember that the training module: a) sets out the main key elements of the content unit, its essence and provides explanations for the study and implementation of the training material; b) opportunities for additional deepening of the material or its extended study are indicated, specific literary sources are recommended; c) practical problems (tasks) and explanations for their solution (implementation) are presented; d) theoretical and practical tasks and answers to them (or comments) are provided.

In addition, it is important to ensure that the elements of the module and the modules themselves are relatively independent. This circumstance will make it possible to easily design individualized content of the module (modules) for each student, form new modules from existing fragments or replace outdated elements with new ones.

Then the process of mastering a content unit should be controlled and manageable. Therefore, when developing a content unit, it is necessary to take into account the following guidelines: it is necessary to provide the module with means of ascertaining control, showing the level of readiness of the student to master the given content of education; current, intermediate and final controls should be used; current and intermediate controls can be carried out in the form of self-control; their task is to facilitate the timely identification of gaps in the assimilation of information, clearly showing parts of the educational material that need to be repeated or learned more deeply; the final control should show the level of students’ mastery of the educational content included in the corresponding module.

Finally, it is required to present the module materials in such a form that ensures their most effective development in specific conditions. In this case, the form of information presentation in the module is determined by the types of information.

Thus, the entire content of instruction in a subject offered for mastery by students at a specific segment of the educational process (quarter, academic year), turns out to be divided into a finite set of modules, each of which has several representation options. This breakdown turns out to be somewhat detached from specific students, but each option provides for some standard manifestations of the characteristics of specific subgroups of students. Moreover, each of the options for such associations characterizes one or another level of learning in the subject.

In accordance with the schedule of the student’s educational process, based on certain data, an appropriate chain of modules is selected, including the appropriate content of training in the subject. These modules form the first versions of an individual educational program. The number of modules included in an individual educational program is determined by the number of content units obtained as a result of structuring the learning content at a specific time interval.

Subsequently, based on the results of the implementation of the first element of the individual educational program, as well as information about the changed individual characteristics of specific students, a decision is made on the advisability of introducing clarification (clarifications) into the next element of the individual program. Thus, the adjustment and alignment of content units that form the morphology of individual educational programs is carried out. Essentially, we are talking about the synthesis of individual educational programs. Ultimately, after completing a specific time interval, a chain of modules is formed, which is an individual program mastered by a very specific student.

This approach allows timely clarifications (adjustments) made on the basis of information about the implementation of the educational process, and increases the role of students as subjects of educational activity. At the same time, we can say that the synthesis of individual educational programs is a tool that promotes self-realization of the individual within the limits of those capabilities that are given to her by nature. Consequently, we can talk about the rational organization of the educational process, in which the development of personal, meta-subject and subject educational results is carried out.

Thus, designing individual educational programs for students secondary school carried out on the basis of a modular approach. As a result, the educational process is built using special pedagogical means, the leading foundations of which are the most important characteristics students: level of development of personal, meta-subject and subject results, educational needs, which comprehensively characterize the student, and the level of their formation is an assessment of the effectiveness of educational activities.


Ilyasov D. F., doctor pedagogical sciences, professor, head Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Chelyabinsk Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Education Workers, Chelyabinsk.

Rezanovich I. V., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Personnel Management of South Ural state university, Chelyabinsk.

Bibliographic link

Bondarchuk T.V., Abdullin A.G. DESIGN OF INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS FOR STUDENTS OF GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOLS // Contemporary issues science and education. – 2012. – No. 6.;
URL: (access date: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"